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You can still download Laputa desktop wallpaper here, but the rest of my site has moved to a new address at!

To use these wallpaper for your desktop...
For Netscape and IE ~ first click on the image that you want to use. Then right click on the image and drag down to the command titled "Set As Wallpaper". Ta ta! ^_^

: : 1400 x 771 (170 kb) : : *

Sheeta and Pazu; flying into the Tigermoth
: : 1024 x 768 (144 kb) | 800 x 600 (92kb) : : *

Sheeta and Pazu; being chased by the Goliath
: : 1024 x 768 (190 kb) | 800 x 600 (122kb) : : *

Sheeta and Pazu; being chased by the Goliath (2)
: : 1024 x 768 (182 kb) | 800 x 600 (117kb) : : *

: : 1024 x 768 (188 kb) | 800 x 600 (63kb) : : **

Laputa (2)
: : 1024 x 768 (284 kb) | 800 x 600 (125kb) : : **

Laputa Crest
: : 1024 x 768 (190 kb) | 800 x 600 (122kb) : : **

* I found these wallpaper from Kaze no Ohimesama's Anime Wallpaper & Screensaver Images. If you would like to use the images on your page, please be sure to read the rules first. Aside from having wallpaper from Studio Ghibli films, the page also has wallpaper from other anime series such as "Ah! My Goddess", "Evangelion", "Tenchi Muyo" just to name a few. If you have time, be sure to visit this site!

** These wallpaper came from Zach's Anime Deskto Pics. Aside from the wallpaper I have posted above, Zach also has pics from Akira, Gundam, Pon Poko, Macross, and many more. My favourites include the wallpaper of Laputa and the beautiful sky and also X (B) from Zach's page. It is a bit haunting, but for some strange reason I am quite drawn to it....anyway, be sure to visit Zach's site!

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