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New Senshi discovered!.....SAILORS INTERNATIONAL

The OSS: Original Sailor Scouts






Thank you for visiting the Last Nexus of the Otaku Sailor Senshi. This webring has been created for all original Sailor Scouts on the internet. Here, you can join the nexus and link your site to many others, and find out just how many new and interesting senshi there are out there.

Visit the Nexus

How you can become part of the nexus:


The Otaku Sailor Senshi has found the Sailors International!

Interested in joining? Then please complete the following information:

Your site's title:

Your site's URL:

Your e-mail address:

Please choose a password:

Please choose up to 20 keywords:

A description of your site and/or senshi:

!Remember: Don't forget your password and I.D.#!

Add an HTML fragment to link to the nexus:

There are currently two types of OSS HTML fragments: a regular version and an image-map.

The OSS Image-Map

The Last Nexus of the Otaku Sailor Senshi


Copy the following code onto your site for the image-map, replacing the ### with your nexus ID# and YOURMAIL with your e-mail address.

<center><TABLE BORDER=5><TR><TD><H5><CENTER><FONT SIZE="+1"><A HREF=""><MAP NAME="map1"><AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="386,104,439,119" HREF=";ring=oss&amp;id=###"><AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="329,104,385,119" HREF=";ring=oss&amp;id=###"><AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="269,104,328,119" HREF=";ring=oss"><AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="179,104,268,119" HREF=""><AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="119,104,178,119" HREF="mailto:YOURMAIL">
<AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="58,104,118,119" HREF=";list"><AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="0,104,57,119" HREF=";ring=oss&amp;id=
###"><AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="119,0,329,103" HREF=""><AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="329,0,439,103" HREF=";ring=oss&amp;id=###"><AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="0,0,119,103" HREF=";ring=oss&amp;id=###"></MAP><IMG USEMAP="#map1" src="//" ALT="The Last Nexus of the Otaku Sailor Senshi" WIDTH=440 HEIGHT=120 X-SAS-UseImageWidth X-SAS-UseImageHeight BORDER=0 ALIGN=bottom></A></FONT></CENTER></H5></TD></TR></TABLE></center>


The Regular OSS HTML

Sailor Utopia is a member of

The Last Nexus of the Otaku Sailor Senshi

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Copy the following code onto your site for the regular version, replacing the ### with your nexus ID#, YOURURL with your homepage location address, YOURSENSHI with your senshi's name and YOURMAIL with your e-mail address.

<P><CENTER><TABLE BORDER=1 WIDTH="100%"><TR><TD><H5><CENTER><A HREF=""><IMG src="//" WIDTH=90 HEIGHT=140 X-SAS-UseImageWidth X-SAS-UseImageHeight BORDER=0 ALIGN=left></A><IMG src="//" WIDTH=90 HEIGHT=140 X-SAS-UseImageWidth X-SAS-UseImageHeight BORDER=0 ALIGN=right></A></CENTER></H5><H5><CENTER><A HREF="YOURURL">YOURSENSHI</A> is a member of </CENTER></H5><H3><CENTER><FONT SIZE="+1"><A HREF="">The Last Nexus of the Otaku Sailor Senshi</A></FONT></CENTER></H3><H5><CENTER><A HREF="">Previous</A>|<A HREF="">Previous5</A>|<A HREF=";">Index</A>|<A HREF="mailto:YOURMAIL">Mail</A>|<A HREF="">Join</A>|<A HREF="">Random</A>|<A HREF="">Skip</A>|<A HREF="">Next5</A>|<A HREF="">Next</A> </CENTER></H5></TD></TR></TABLE></CENTER></P>

!Remember: replace YOURURL with your homepage location address, YOURSENSHI with your senshi's name, YOURMAIL with your e-mail address, and ### with your nexus I.D.#!

That's it! Your site is now in the OSS queue.

To be placed into the actual nexus, e-mail the name of your site and I.D.# to me and I will to add you to the ring.

To edit your nexus information, go here.

Any questions? E-mail me at:
and mention "OSS" in the subject.

Don't forget to join the Sailors International Continuum of Imagination!

The Last Nexus of the Otaku Sailor Senshi is based on "Sailor Moon" by Naoko Takeuchi. All references to "Sailor Moon" are copyrighted by Toei Animation, DIC, and respective trademark owners.

All thoughts and ideas expressed on this page are the intellectual properties of DuckieWorks International, Ltd.-© 1997. All other images are trademarked by their respective owners.