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Let me see
the recent update of the
A/Stars Survey Result! : )

Please read the Rules + Evaluation System before you vote! Thank You!
3 Basic Rules:
1. You can vote for any star you want, one for male and one for female!
2. In order for you to vote, you "need" a valid email address. (Please do not use other's email address!) Any vote without a valid email address will not count!
3. Please do not vote for more than one within each period of update. I can tell if you voting more than one, okay? So please don't.. If you do vote more than ONE time, I will not count your vote for that updated period!

Evaluation System:
1. 3 Points = The Best!
2. 2 Points
3. 1 Point
4. 0 Point
5. -1 Point = The Lowest!

Please enter your name:

Email Address:


Who is your favorite Male Asian Star?

Other: (Only if you selected OTHER!)

How would you evaluate..

...his look?
...his voice/singing career?
...his acting career?

Who is your favorite Female Asian Star?

Other: (Only if you selected OTHER!)

How would you evaluate..

...her look?
...her voice/singing career?
...her acting career?

Click once...

Thank You for Your Time!

Notice: All survey will count and the result of the survey will be updated on the next update.
When is the next update? I don't know yet! =(
Thank You!

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A/Stars since June 28 '97
email: Jonathan Huynh
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 Please notice this personal homepage is Not a Commercial Site. 
 Any images those designed by Jonathan Huynh are not allowed to be copied, edited, or re-used. 
