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Welcome to Toshikazu's Anime Music Page!

Here you'll find a large and ever-growing selection of excellent anime and j-pop music. Songs formats are WAV (8bit mono 17khz), MP3 (96kbr/32khz), and RealAudio (16bit mono and mostly courtesy of RealAnime). Specs may vary on certain site pages, but those are the general standards of encoding. This site is for the promotion of anime music in general and to help people looking to start or add to their anime music collection. I get a lot of mail from people asking me about this CD or that, about a song from a certain series, etc. While I can't always help everyone, unfortunately, I've received a lot of positive feedback from people I have been able to assist, and I hope to continue to provide this service to all of you. Thanks for all of your support!

The Fine Print

All songs and CDs copyright of original artists and record labels. Songs here are at a quality listening standard, but not at CD standard. Songs will be immediately removed at the request of copyright holders. Please do not keep downloaded songs for more than 24 hours. Do not steal or leech files from this site - these files may only be posted on other sites by the express permission of the maintainer. Please support the artists by buying their CDs. Thank you.

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