Kiyone's Slayers

This is my own little slice of my universe. Slayers is a show based around the awesome Sorceress Lina Inverse! She has a dumb-as-a-rock sword slinger to protect her named Gourry. But sometimes I wonder who's protecting who? Anyway then you have Rezo the Red Priest who resorected Shabrinigdo but in the end it took him and Lina to kill the Dark Lord. Also did I mention Zelgadis! Zelgadis Graywords is the ohhhh how should I put this.........the shamnist, warrior that I think Lina and him would make a great couple. Then you have Amelia. Miss Justice herself who is possible the person who is more ummmmm.....annoying than Mihoshi. But hey these are only opinons. Well enjoy this little slice of my page. Chow!

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