The Lethal Weapon :

Steve Blackman

22/09/98. I have been very upset over the last week as Steve Blackman (God bless his soul) has had to have knee surgery thanks to the damned muther f**king Undertaker. I am not a happy bunny at this time.

9/09/98. Okay so I haven't updated this for totally ages but not much has happened on the Blackman front, since he was unable to compete after injuring his knee in the opening round of the Brawl For All in which he totally demolished Marvelless Marc Mero. He made is return last week (31/08/98) to face D.O.A. along with Ken Shamrock (whom he seems to have made friends with after their bust up the week before). They were doing quite well until the Undertaker and Kane came and interrupted things which really wasn't fair (mutherf**king bastards!!!) and worked over (well Taker did) Blackman's jiffy knee. Course Shamrock couldn't go and save his pal cause he was being done over by D.O.A. (mutherf**kers!!!!!) which led to a few frayed tempers. I don't know as of yet if Blackman is out with his knee but I think he's going to be out for a while. Will of course update as soon as I get the info.

20/07/98. Blackman Vs Double_J Blackman appears on the ramp all ready for battle, takes a look at Double_J reinforced by Tenessee Lee and Southern Justice and turns tail and disappears. Double-J began making some degrading comments about Blackman being a chicken but was cut short by the reappearance of Blackman, backed uped by Ken Shamrock and Dan Severn!!!
This of course led to Double_J getting his teeth kicked out fair and square.

Steve Blackman is great. Simply great. I don't care what anyone else says, he is great. Looked how skilled and agile and terrific he is. Look how popular he is becoming especially since he only debuted at the 1997 Survivor Series and has had impressive wins over stars such as The Rock and Faarooq. Blackman has only lost FIVE matches at present but all of these have been due to outside interference (yes even Vince McMahon, stinking bastard) and a lot of people (esp. me!) are getting very piseed off with people screwing him around!

Another thing that makes him great is that he teamed up with Ken Shamrock which just shows that he's completely cool and has his head screwed on. Yet another bonus is that he's got the greatest entrance music. It rocks. Also for the not so weak at heart there is a Steve Blackman Gallery to feast your eyes on. Enjoy.

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