Web Page Planning Worksheet

Used in conjunction with the Web Page Design and Maintenance Agreement which should also be printed out by the client..

This questionnaire is designed to enhance communications between Data Prose and our clients. Why don't you print it on your printer, and have it handy when you discuss your project on the phone or in person with me.

After we've talked and you've filled in the blanks, please make a photocopy for your records, and mail a signed copy to me. It provides a written memorandum of our mutually-agreed plan.

Thanks, Karen

Organization Name: __________________________________________

1. Purpose

__ To gain a favorable impression of the company or organization.
__ To develop a qualified list of prospects
__ To sell products directly
__ To encourage potential customers to contact us by phone or mail to consummate a sale.
__ To make available product information and price lists to distributors or customers.
__ Other _______________________________________________________

2. Site Organization

Names of pages. Indicate with arrows or other means which pages are "under" others. We assume that all pages are at least one level under #1, the index/welcome/home page.

1. Index/welcome/home page












Total number of pages decided upon ________________

3. Site and Domain Names

Site Name on Masthead: ____________________________________ Title which appears ar the very top of the Web browser and will show on listings by Web search engines:

Domain Name (It must be registered through your Internet Service Provider and approved by InterNic before we can use it.) ____________________________

4. Masthead Graphic

__ Company Logo incorporated in the masthead graphic? If so, please enclose a color copy.
__ Photo or drawing of product?
__ Typeface preference __________________________________________

__ Preferred colors in palette (PMS colors?) ___________________________________________

__ Other ideas _________________________________________________________

5. Background Color or Texture

Often, no texture at all is the best choice for readability.

__ Preferred background color ________________________________________________
__ Preferred background texture _______________________________________________

6. Basic Page Elements

__ Page titles which show at top of Web browser:
__ Top-of-page graphic based on the design of the masthead graphic
__ Standard company ID near bottom of page
__ E-mail response link to the following e-mail address: _________________________
__ Size of normal text type __________________
__ Tables: Preformatted tables (for text-only browsers), __ Netscape compatible, __ Both
__ Internal navigation by ___ Jump Links (text) or ___ Image Map and jump links

__ Updated date stamp

7. Finishing Touches

__ Horizontal rules or __ Colored Lines compatible with color scheme
__ Colored 3-D balls, __ checkmarks, or __ _______________ on Index page
__ "New" or "updated" logos
__ May I include a link at the bottom of the welcome page which reads "Web Site Designed by Data Prose "

__ Other ________________________________________________________

8. Photos and Graphics

You must sign a statement that you own or have permission to use any photos or graphics you send us.

__ Clipart
__ Photos which are scanned in
__ Clickable thumbnail images which link to full size pictures on their own pages
__ Type of images to use: __ GIF (accessible to all) or __ JPEG (loads faster)
__ Transparent edges of images to make it appear to "float" on the page background.
__ Sound, __ Animation, __ Video clips
__ Other

9. Forms

__ Guestbooks for visitors to record comments
__ Requests for information
__ Surveys of customer preferences
__ On-line order forms
__ Order forms which can be printed out and mailed or faxed
__ Special CGI script programming needed (extra charge)
__ Other

10. Uploading and Testing Pages

Internet Service Provider Name _____________________________________

FTP address ____________________________________________

Telnet address _____________________________________________

Username _________________________ Password ______________________

Voice phone: Area code __________ Phone number ________________________

E-mail address for support or help ________________________________________

11. Registering and Advertising Your Web Site

__ Information about number of visitors to your Web site can be obtained from your Internet Service Provider, from statistics generated daily by a program called WWWStat on the host computer.

__ Key words which people might use to find your product or service

__ A 25-word (200 character) sentence or two describing your Web site using as many key words as possible in a "readable" sentence.

__ Submission of your information to Web search engines to "register" your Web site
after final payment is received.

12. Maintenance and Updating

__ Package prices include an average of five minutes per month per page, or about one hour per year per page.
__ Price changes, __ product changes
__ Target Date for final payment to be made and your Web Site to be advertised: _____________

On behalf of my organization I approve the above plan which I have developed with Data Prose to construct a Web site, and I authorize Data Prose to use this Web Page Planning Worksheet as the basis of the project.

Signature _____________________________________ Date _________________

These are the items that will make up the package you'll be sending to us:

You may send your package to Ms. Karen S. Simmons, Data Prose , by US mail to:

155 Sugar Road
Bolton, MA 01740, USA

I am looking forward to receiving your materials and constructing your Web site!



Data Prose -- Karen S. Simmons, Internet/Web Consultant

© 1995-96 by Ralph F. Wilson.