Martie..with man's best friend!
cool dog line
I loved taking pics of all those special animals I worked with. Unfortunately since I don't have a scanner, as of yet..I only have two pictures that a friend scanned for me...but both these canine's found good homes after a "lengthy" stay at the shelter. Upon "adoption" of certain ones,,I always had my camera nearby!!
Meet Brownie!
Martie and shelter dog

This dog ended up more fortunate in the long run! He lived at the shelter well over a year, and we were all surprised when his owner's actually came in one day..recogonized him..but well just didn't want him back at the time.He ended up being adopted by a great this TAIL had a happy ending!

I still wish I'd brought this dog home..Her stay was a little shorter than Brownie,she was confined at the shelter for about a year! Don't ask me why but I called her Sadie!
Meet Sadie
Martie and shelter dog

She ended up in a great home too! Some animals just haven't been as fortunate as these two were! I have several photo's of the different animals we impounded, and also adopted! I'm actually more of a CAT lover..although you wouldn't know it by these pics! I now own 4 felines and 1 canine!
Please Remember

SPAY or NEUTER your pet!!

They will thank you!!

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