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Family Planning and Pregnancy

[*] Westside Crisis Pregnancy Center
[*] Fetal Development Overview (On Westside CPC's website)
[*] On-Line Pregnancy Test (On Westside CPC's website)
[*] Partial Birth Abortion
[*] Birth Control and the Christian
[*] The Quiver-Full! Web Page
[*] Breastfeeding: Does it Really Space Babies? (On the Couple to Couple League website)


[*] Breastfeeding God's Way by Nancy Campbell; a look at some of the blessings we receive when we nourish a baby at our breast, an explanation of "total mothering" as it relates to breastfeeding as a natural contraceptive, and encouragement for mothers to nurse their baby until he is ready to wean.
[*] Breastfeeding Bible Study by Cyndi Egbert
[*] Breastfeeding By Design by Heidi Bingham (Member of GCM)
[*] Design in Infant Nutrition by Rex D. Russell, M.D.
[*] Breastfeeding and Christian Parenting Excerpts from the book "The Christian Family's Guide to Breastfeeding" and Bible verses about breastfeeding and children.
[*] Breastfeeding - The Couple to Couple League Learn about natural mothering, breastfeeding and natural child-spacing.


[*] Attachment Parenting: A Style that Works by William Sears (a Christian author who writes both secular and Christian parenting books)
[*] And the Bible Sayeth, "Train up a Child in the Way He Should Go" by Dr. William Sears. So many religious "experts" now offer inflexible childrearing advice. But can any of us truly know God’s will? And which do you trust, your teacher or your heart? A primer on Christian parenting
[*] The Family Corner: Family Issues Page The website of a Christian mother of six. She has written many wonderful articles on caring for children, plus you can find important information on the Ezzos and Bill Gothard.

Christian Women

[*] JoyPals
[*] Just Moms

Where to Buy

[*] Sparrow's Nest - Nursing Clothing and Breastfeeding Accessories (Member of GCM)
[*] Mom's Tops - Breastfeeding Fashions For Nursing Lifestyles (Member of GCM)
[*] Breastfeeding Essentials "meeting the needs of breastfeeding families"
[*] Lilies of the Field "Manufacturer of modest feminine apparel dresses, jumpers, skirts, blouses, sleepwear, modest swimwear, aprons, pinafores, maternity and nursing dresses"

Supporting Their Right To Life