I am Woman... Hear Me Roar!

There's only four steps to go through and then you're in!

  1. Make sure your site meets the criteria for membership
  2. Submit your site to the queue
  3. Copy the HTML code and graphics and paste them on your site
  4. E-mail me and ask me to add you to the ring
Doesn't that sound simple? If you're already a member and want to edit your site info, go here.

Criteria for membership:

Your site must meet the following criteria before it can be added to the webring: Does you your page meets these requirements? If so, please continue!

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Submit your site to the queue:


Homepage Title:

Homepage URL:


Choose A Password:


Give a Short Description of Your Homepage:

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Copy the code and graphics:

Pick up the HTML code here to add to your page. It MUST appear on your ring homepage, which must be the site you submit. It will have all of your information already added to it, and if added properly will look like the code below.

Please save the graphic to your directory. Any sites with broken images will NOT be allowed into the ring.

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E-mail me!

The last step is to send me an e-mail

Edit Site Information

Enter your site ID and password below:

Site ID:


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