Bankotsu. The Un-dead Sexy one. The Leader of the Shichinintai. The one who is supposedly destined to be coupled with Jakotsu. The one I'm so obsessed with that there was no force on this earth that could have stopped me from making this website.'s Shrine! Yes, Banko-chan. Yes, That's my nickname for him. No, you may not use that nickname, lol.
I made this website on account of there were hardly any websites dedicated to him! Can you say, INJUSTICE? This wrong had to be righted, Damnit! And besides, Just look at him! He's so adorabley evil! What's not to love?
So, this shrine is dedicated to Bankotsu; The Chibi...erm, Man who killed a thousand men.


Tuesday, August 19'th~ Revampage! Yes, I'm not done with the full revamp yet, but this will have to suffice until I am ^^
New New Funny Scene, More Added to The History Section. More Will come soon! and this time, it won't take so long to Update! Well, Ja ne for now!

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