Mohawk Wolf Cub Pack, Baie D'Urfe, Quebec, Canada
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2001 Fall Cub Camp
Parc Nature Bois-de-Liesse, Pierrefonds, Quebec
October 26 - 28, 2001
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One, two, three four...
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Looking for that perfect leaf
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It was a dark and scary night...
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Closing Ceremonies

Saturday Highlights (Maison du Ruisseau, Parc Nature Bois-de-Liesse)

1. Jungle Olympics (the Sixes rotated through 5 different athletic activities, with Jungle Book stories attached to each; ideas inspired by the October 2001 Leaders magazine, and the Wolf Cub Leaders Handbook).

2. Tenderpad training by Baloo (with the help of Kim - Alexandre Hureau); meanwhile Sixers and Seconds received some leadership training while on a short walk led by Bagheera.

3. Outbound hike to the Acceuil des Champs, with scavenger hunt (things to find on a trail)  Return hike after lunch and wide games via different path through marsh, along Japanese walkway. Total hike distance approximately 6 km.

4. Crafts: Two crafts available, most Cubs completed both:  Jack O'lanterns made with pony beads (orange, black and green); pencil caddy made by decorating empty can (using construction paper, pieces of felt, wool, feathers, markers, etc.)

5. Halloween party after supper  (note: no costumes, but Cubs and leaders had brought dress-up hats):  Sixes rotated through 5 activities: apple bobbing, face painting (once again the fake blood was the most popular), making goop (flubber-like substance-recipe below), pumpkin decorating (faces drawn on medium size pumpkins with black permanent markers) and an anatomy lesson (details follow)

Goop:  Add 1 tbsp. white glue to 3 tbsp. water in a ziplock bag.  Add a few drops food colouring if desired (we added colour according to Six colour).  Add 2 heaping tbsp. Borax (available in the US as a laundry additive, but I have only been able to find it in a drugstore here).  Seal bag, and mix thoroughly.  If mixture remains sticky, add a little more Borax.  When mixed, a wonderful stretchy, elastic, non-sticky substance results.  Store in sealed plastic bag.  Wash hands after manipulating as the Borax dries skin.

Anatomy lesson:  An assortment of 'body parts' were available for the Cubs to feel (blindfolded):

Brain (slightly overcooked whole cauliflower); eyeballs (peeled grapes in not quite settled jello); veins (cooked spaghetti noodles); intestines (marshmallows, threaded together and moistened until rather slippery on the outside); beating heart (smallish balloon, filled with warm water (and kept warm in a bowl of warm water); Kim gently squeezed balloon as each Cub felt it, making it seem to beat); ears (slightly dried apple peels);  vomit (cooked oatmeal, slightly thinned, but retaining lumps).


1. Cubs Own on one of the Observation decks overlooking the small creek (mallard ducks, muskrat lodge -- a great site)
2. Kick-the-Can: A game we hadn't played before, but that the Cubs loved
3. Craft: Ghost windsocks (as in October Leader Magazine)
4. Family barbecue at lunch, followed by Investiture of Tenderpads and Closing Ceremony.

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April 25, 2005