Training Tips and Ideas

Welcome to my page about training and ideas. On this page I will try help young people and older ones who would like to have a top dog and want to start from scratch and who don't have the money or resourses to buy a top dog on the market as these can run into many thousands of dollars.So to you people who think dogs come a dime a dozen better wake up and smell the coffee fast. So bare with me as we go from puppy to the hound or cur we will all be proud to own and have in our kennel.

Canadian Cur puppies

Ok now we have a fine litter of puppies like the ones above . So we all freak out saying oh how cute I want this one,so this so called breeder sets a price and off you go a proud owner of a new night champion.Whoa! hold on a sec mistake #1 now have you done your homework before buying? Now is so called Ace been breed from a solid background or just a cross made to sell. Is this so called Breeder willing to give peoples names who have bought pups from him and are repeat buyers. A breeder of quality will never hesitate to give references to people who have bought pups before. So Mr. so gives you a list as long as your arm from past buyers now we think man i have the world by the tail think again. Read on !

Canadian curs

Ok I agree this fellow is honest enough to give his list of past buyers but how many came from the cross you have chosen your puppy from. How many made it a coon or squirrel dogs. Now if Mr.breeder says they all did I hope a big siren comes up and blares for this is a lie out right not all make it if he says around 75% and up do he is being honest as all true breeders strive to breed the best to the best to produce better than they havealready.

Ok now Mr.breeder gives these stats so we pay and are happy.Whoa! mistake #2. Now let me tell you what I do in this case if I were buying this puppy. I would hunt with the stud and dam both to make sure they had the qualities I wanted in my own dog. By this I mean in nose power, obedience,mouth on track and for most treeing power. My own preferrence is a dog who stays treed till Iget there and will not leave until I am there. Also remember a pup picks up his qualities from the dam amd sire . Now let me go a step further to show you want I mean. Not all stud dogs have the albility to reproduce themselves,they may be great tree dogs but on the stud trail are worthless as they have no reproducing qualities. Now I will tell you why. This is because they pickup traits from the dam also if she is a high reproducer she will have quality pups on the ground and vice versa .So this is why I hunt both of the parents to learn what qualities they share or are different. So as you see so far buying a puppy is not as easy as you think it is .


Now from now on we will refer to this little character pictured above this little fellow's name is Century.So I believe I have met a honest breeder and I decide on this little fellow to add to my kennel . Now the fun starts.

So now old Century is home in our kennel and this is the dog we think will make a Night champion or squirrel champion. Well better get your boots on as we work with Century to make him the dog we will be proud of. Now at what age would you start training this pup a year,six months ,or what ever your choice?

I start right away with this new puppy . WhoA! you say he is way to young Wrong! . How will this little fellow learn his name and learn commands Gotcha this is still classed as training.Now what I start doing at a early age is banging pots and making loud noises will they are eating so they get used to loud noises. Why you say do this ? Let me tell you my opion if they get used to loud noises in a early age the chances of being gun shy is very slim. Another trick I learned lately is blowing a whistle at feeding time . Why? well the little fellow relates to the whistle as food and when he gets older old tummy will tell him supper is on when you want to come home so no more restless nights with a dog missing.

( never have done this but will let you know if it works )

Now the next thing I work on is getting Century used to having a collar and being lead around on a leash this is best accomplished at a early age. Then learn him to load on command so now we are up to four months old, and now onto more training.

Lisa and Century

Now has this pup ever been to the woods at all ? Well what is your impression of a big city you have never seen well this little guy is the same . So what I do in this case is take him for a walk to the woods often and take a book and let the little fellow explore his new surroundings.He will be a nosey little character and wonder around looking at all the new stuff to discover. He might find a squirrel and tree who knows but he gains confidence to the outside world.

Please look on my next page to learn more stuff I do as he grows older