
"So what is the bunny for? Do you have a new bunny collecting hobby you haven't told us about yet?" Nick joked as AJ pulled the stuff animal out of his bag.
"Nick it's for Jocelyn, but I'm sure you already knew that." AJ said to him as he pushed some clothing into the bag.

Nick had enjoyed making fun of AJ the whole tour, and now it was finally about to end. They were on their way home after six long months on the road. Nick teased AJ the whole trip about Jocelyn. He just couldn't believe the way he had changed. After each show on the last tour, AJ and him would go to the nearest club and party. But on this tour instead of meeting a bunch of girls and partying at the clubs, AJ would go back to his room and watch a movie or spend his time writing Jocelyn a letter. Nick thought AJ was crazy for changing his life around for a girl.

"I can't wait to get back home, this bus was making me crazy." Brian said as he started to the back of the bus to get a soda.

AJ sat looking out the window thinking of Jocelyn. He thought about how it was going be to see her again. They had been together eight months before the tour started. Those eight months had been the best months he had ever had. He then thought about how they met, he hadn't really paid very much attention to her on the video shoot until the end of it he remembered.

Until then he had only known her as the girl that kept bumping into him. He had become irritated by her and so had everyone else on the set. By the twenty-sixth take the director had finally had it with her and told her she was fired. As she sat in the corner sobbing AJ noticed her on his break and felt sorry for her. He started a conversation with her and found that it was actually her first time on a real video set and she had never played as an extra before. It was then he felt an attraction to her and asked her to go out with him to a club the following day after the video was done. He told her he would teach her some real dance moves so the next time she got a job dancing in the background of someone's video, she would be able to actually dance. She told him she would go and that's how it all began.

As AJ sat on the bus looking out of the window he also though of the day he had to leave her for the tour. He remembered it was raining and when Jocelyn started to cry he couldn't tell which were tear drops and which were rain drops on her face. He told her he would call her but he wouldn't be able to very often, so he would also write her to tell her what was happening on the tour. She knew this was the price she had to pay for having a boyfriend that was a Backstreet Boy. But it didn't seem like it was going to be so hard to say goodbye when she had thought about it before. She thought it was going to be a simple goodbye. She had already told herself it wasn't going to be goodbye forever and that she would see him in a few months. She told herself that she would be fine. But when she actually saw the tour busses' sitting there and all of the crew loading the equipment up. And then she saw AJ standing there with all his stuff packed ready to leave, it hit her hard and she started to cry. They talked for a while and then he hugged her and gave her a kiss and started for the bus.

He remembered how she looked the last time he saw her out the window of the bus. Her long dark hair was soaked as the wind blew threw it and her cheeks were red as she waved goodbye to him. He couldn't wait until he got home to see her again now. As he looked out the window he slowly dozed off thinking about her.


Jocelyn hurried putting her make up on, she knew that the guys were suppose to be making it in at 3:00 and it was already 2:40. She thought about how It was going to be to see AJ again after six months of thinking about him. She started to giggle to herself as she brushed her hair. The thought of seeing him again made her giddy, she didn't know how she was going to react. She didn't understand why she had butterflies, she knew there was nothing to be nervous about but still she was. Just as she finished up with her hair the phone rang.

"Hello?" She answered.
"Hey, just wondering what you were doing." The voice at the other end said to her.
"Marcy! What do you think I'm doing. I'm on my way to see AJ!" Jocelyn exclaimed.
"Oh yea, I forgot he's coming back today. So are you nervous?" Her best friend asked.
"A little, I don't know why though. I'm just happy I'm going to finally see him again. It almost doesn't seem real, it just seems like it's been forever since I've seen him." She told her.
"Humm, that's nice. So what color do you think looks best on me, red or orange? I'm going out with Matt tonight and I'm trying to find something to wear."
"Marcy! I don't know, I have to go I'm going to be late."
"Okay geez, sorry for asking. Just thought a friend could help me out."
"Fine, the orange." Jocelyn said letting out a sigh.
" I knew it! Thanks, and Jocelyn… don't be nervous everything will be fine. He loves you okay."
"Thanks Marcy, now I'll talk to you later okay, bye."

Jocelyn got her purse and her keys and ran out the front door. As she started her car she checked her makeup again in the mirror. After, she looked at the small picture of AJ that stuck to her dash board.

"See you in a little bit" she said aloud as she drove off. As she got further she thought about the last letter AJ sent her. It was really sweet because he had written a small poem in it for her. As she drove she thought of the words.

This new faith this new trust.
This thing just between the two of us.
This new thing I've just found, so dear.
It eases my mind and sets it clear.
I never thought there would be a love like you,
someone there I can always turn to.
When my mind wonders and goes astray I can turn back and I know you're there.
Always waiting because you care.
Never go, never leave because without you I don't know where I'd be.
This new trust this new thing just between the two of us.
It is so dear and it eases my mind and sets it clear.

As she thought of it, it made her smile. Just then she felt something fall by her leg. She reached down while keeping her eyes on the road to feel for it. She took a quick glance down to see what it was. It was the picture of AJ, it had fallen off her dash board. She looked down again and reached to pick it up. When she looked up at the road again she had wondered into the opposite lane and a large truck was coming straight towards her. The truck tried to swerve and she turned her wheel trying to miss it. But it still smashed into her car sending it toward a ditch on the side of the road. Jocelyn's car hit hard with impact and tumbled down the small hill on the side. As it came to a stop she breathed in slowly trying to open her eyes. She could see the picture lying by her head. She started to cry as she thought of her life with AJ, she knew it would never be. She tried to keep her eyes open but she was so tired and it was too hard.
"I love you" she said in a whisper, as she closed her eyes and a tear fell onto the picture. She saw his picture for the last time, she felt the wind for the last time, then she took in one last breath and then… there was nothing left.


"I think she forgot." Nick said to AJ as he sat on the bench waiting for Jocelyn outside.
"She didn't forget, she's probably just running late. I just called her five minutes ago and she wasn't at home, so she's just on her way." AJ said zipping his coat up.
"AJ, she knew that we were coming at 3:00 it's 4:50, it's almost five. Listen, I'll just take you home okay, sometimes people forget things." Nick said to him standing up.
"She's just late, she's always late. You can go home if you want to, you don't have to wait with me. I'll be cool." He said holding the stuffed animal.
"Everyone has gone home, you and me are the only ones still here AJ. Just let me drop you off, it looks like it's about to rain. You want to sit out here in the rain by yourself?" Nick asked him.
"I told you I'll be fine. It's not like I'm a little girl, I'm a big boy Nick, you can go." AJ said jokingly while laughing a little.
"Okay, fine. Wait forever out here by yourself. I will see you later, but if she doesn't come you know my cell number." Nick said as he walked away.
"I could wait forever" AJ said to himself. Three minutes later it started to rain. He looked down at his watch to see the time. "Where are you?" he said aloud. He clenched the rabbit tighter and waited. He waited to see her face again and waited to hold her again and waited for the moment they would be reunited. A moment…that would never come.

The end
By, Monique N.

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