Acrobatic category, means an aircraft certified for aerobatic manoeuvres in accordance with relevant design rules (see Aircraft Standards below).

Aerobatic aircraft must be highly manoeuvrable, yet tolerant of G loadings.


The Early Years

In the 67 years since the first of the World Aerobatic Championships in 1934, aerobatic aircraft designs have progressed considerably. In the beginning, any airplane capable of moderate aerobatics could be entered with a reasonable chance of a good placing.


The Pitts Era

In the 60's the sport was redefined and the standards rose with the introduction of the S1-S Pitts Special, a small, powerful and agile biplane that dominated the sport during the period, aerobatics had never seen an aircraft like it in the cense of performance. The tiny Pitts were a complete contrast to the large Yak-52 monoplane used by the USSR and other eastern block countries.


The Monoplanes

A transition began to the modern era when aircraft designers started looking at monoplane designs for aerobatics. They were a result of new designs using new construction methods and materials. As more and higher performance monoplanes became available, the biplane was gradually replaced. Today's remarkable array of airplanes are designed specifically for one goal: World Aerobatic Supremacy.




Which aerobatic plane to use is almost a religious question but the most common aerobatic trainer would in defiantly be the Cessna-150. Cessna has sold more planes than any other company in the world, and is world renown for quality and safeness. The C-150 is basically as some would like to say a C-152 with the winds glue on stronger, but the differences are not visible but are extensive. It looks so much like the C-152 that Cessna was afraid that they looked so much alike that someone would mistake the too and try to do aerobatics in a non-aerobatic C-152, which would result in fatal consequences. So the original paint jobs that were given to the two makes were make distinctly different. Although the C-150 is very limited in the type of aerobatic manoeuvres it can perform it is a very stable platform to learn from. The C-150 is also cheap to run compared to other trainers, it costs about 120 Australian dollars an hour to run. The C-150 isn’t used in aerobatic competitions much because of its limitations but satisfies most pilots in what they want to achieve and they don’t usually what to move to a more powerful and competitive level.

  C-150                                           C-152



The Pitts Special is a very popular small bi plane and has a very good record for its time. It is still used extensively today but doesn’t go in any of the world class competitions any more. This is because it is out classed by the newer, more powerful, agile planes.


The Extra aircraft is a monoplane as used in the current world aerobatic championships. It is at the forefront of modern technology. It is manufactured in Germany using the lightest and strongest materials eg. It has a thick short propeller made of Kevlar and the fuselage is steel tube and extremely strong. It has a top speed of around 220 knots and it has a roll rate of 400 degrees per second. It has a wingspan of 25.25' and an overall length of 22.83'. A Lycoming six cylinder, 300 HP engine with a composite 3-blade MT propeller, powers it. The engine is supplied with a Christen inverted fuel and oil-system to assure fuel flow and oil pressure is maintained when flying upside down.
