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Okay, My name is Tace* and I'm a 15 year old horse-obsessed girl living near Melbourne, Australia. I don't own a horse, but I am currently looking after a TB gelding ex-racer called [Terry], and take riding lessons once a week, in mainly dreassage, on a different horse.
My Hl account is Aeternum Design [#680073].

[loves] computers, horses, riding, Lord of the Rings, reading, writing, web design, blue, black, silver, Andalusians, Friesians, Thoroughbreds, drawing, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Delerium, Machine Gun Felatio, playing guitar, sunlight filtering through a forest canopy, singing, procrastination, Moonlight Sonata
[loathes] homework, being used, eating fish, playing sport, spending 4 hours straight training HL horses

*Not my real name, but it will do. It's short for Tace In Aeternum, which is 'keep silent for eternity' in Latin.

The site was opened at the start of September 2002 because I wanted something to do on HorseLand other than training. Free layouts sounded like a good idea, so off I went. I think that my major goal was to raise the quality of pages in the game a lot higher than before. It still isn't all that good, but apart from this, there is really nothing I can do about it.
This is the second layout that this site has gone through. The pictures in this layout are all made by me. The wireframe horses were made in Poser ages ago, but I resurected them and chucked them in.