Dear Diary - May 16, 2003

Dear Readers, Well I am nervous, but at the same time excited to be writing my first diary entry as a Freedom player. Since I have been in D.C., things have been great! I live with a great host family that looks after me really well - they are very sweet! I’ve settled in well, and I am warming up to this place, the people and my new job comfortably. Life is a little different than back in Australia, and there are only three things I would change here if I could – one being the weather, two, the traffic (its crazy here!), and three - I would love for a beach to be close by - like five minutes away!!!! That’s all really - everything else is fine.
Well last week was an exciting one for our team. We had a special guest at our practice - Ann Curry from the Today show. She chose to trade places with my teammate, Mia Hamm, and attended a practice session with us. It couldn’t have been a better day for Ann to turn up - after a few days off she arrived on a beginning of the week fitness session! Now I must be honest and say that I had no clue who Ann Curry was - I entered the locker room to find what looked to me like a stranger - not a TV personality - kitting up with us for practice. I was quickly brought up to speed on who Ann was, and I must admit that I am now a fan!!

Ann did rather well with us, as I’m sure you soccer fans saw when it was shown on TV Wednesday morning. Ann kindly shared some soccer tips with us that her son had passed onto her that morning - that was either a nice gesture or he didn’t want his mum to embarrass him or herself! The tips came in handy!!! It was good to have her out there with us - and as we say in Australia ‘having a real dig’ (meaning have a real go at it!). Ann was a good sport throughout the session - even when it came to the fitness - but I’m sure she was sore the next morning!!! Good on ya Ann - thanks for coming!!!

After all that hype, the rest of the week was back to serious business. We continued to work hard and prepare ourselves for our game coming up against Philly, and we proved the hard work we had done earlier in the week paid off. Thanks to a good team effort and a nice hat-trick by Abby!

Thanks for reading - hope to see you all at a freedom game!

Take care!

ttfn kg
From the Freedom's website...
A few words from Kelly to the Fans!
Dear Diary - May 22, 2003

Dear Readers,
Well this is my second diary entry as a freedom player and I’m feeling a lot less nervous about it. After last weekend’s disappointment, we have all moved on and are concentrating on this week’s game against the New York Power and are ready to redeem ourselves! We have been training hard at a different location than usual for us - Trinity College this past week - in the pouring rain I might add - not much fun as the rain is cold besides being very wet!!! But I will say that the girls have been real troopers and are dealing with the miserable weather very well - we could play in a storm if need be!!!! Let’s hope not though! Training at Trinity College has been good - the facilities are great and it’s nice to be away from the stadium while all the hype and preparation for the upcoming HFStival is going on. It’s just us, the lush green grass (thanks to all the rain!), the soccer balls, and the weather - working hard together to iron out the wrinkles that crept into our game last weekend. There are no workers out there knocking up a stage in the background!

Well I am sorry that I shortchanged the readers this week with this short entry, but to be totally honest, not a whole lot has gone on due to the weather. I hope this finds everyone well. Wish us luck for our game in New York, and I hope to see you out there supporting us at our next home game! Until then take care all!

ttfn kele g
Her second entry from the Freedom's website
All pictures from the Freedom's website...
Andre Chreky Salon Spa on June 4.
Free Cone Day on April 29
HRC Fundraiser on March 20 w/Skate
For more photos click here.
Also check out the transcript from Kelly's chat on the WUSA site!
Mt. Daniel School on July 10, w/ Nicci Wright
Healthfest 2003 on June 21,
w/ Siri & Jerry Stackhouse
Steffi, Siri, Kelly and Sandra
Healthfest 2003 on June 21
Siri and Kelly with kids
Healthfest 2003 on June 21