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In the past we have provided B20 (20% Biodiesel 80% petroleum) products to the GTA retail market.

In launching these efforts we generated local and national press coverage in both print and electronic media.

Through the lessons learned and the contacts made, we are able to offer specialized marketing assistance to organizations who are producing, and selling alternative fuels.

Alternative fuels are an exploding industry with great challenges and huge potential rewards. We will assist companies in this industry on a non-compete basis because we believe that all players in this sector must succeed to further energy, economic and environmental needs.

From our experience, we can support alternative fuel organizations with
- Marketing Plans
- Biodiesel Information Seminars
- Market Analysis
- Product Launches
- Generating Media Attention
- Website Content
- Marketing Materials
- Logos and Cutlines
- Brochure Authoring
- CDROM Compilation
- SmartBuzz smart car service

On the retail side, it is our plan to offer different blends of renewable fuel products, including B5, B10 and B20 Biodiesel and Ethanol in the form of E85 on our own or in partnership with other companies.

We also plan to introduce or assist partner companies with other alternative energy retail products.


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