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Physical Appearance
Age: 15 patterns
Hair: Golden-brown and wavy, long
Eyes: Gray
Skin: Pale
Height: 5'2"
    Sylphia has a slender build and appears quite fragile, which is mostly true. Unused to hard physical labor, she is more accustomed to spending her time indoors, which is why she is rather pale and has little endurance. She holds herself well, and moves gracefully, with slow, measured steps - a result of relentless training from tutors and her etiquette teacher, Miss Moffrey.

    A trained hostess, Sylphia tends to hide her insecurities beneath a shield of good manners and polite conversation, often covering up her true emotions so that others won't feel threatened. She tends to be friendly, at least on the surface - although she is more stiff to males than women, as she believes that they are rather bossy and calculating. Still, it is difficult to get on her bad side - but those who have succeeded can attest to her frosty attitude afterwards.

    Despite her initial guardedness, people who prove to be more than mere acquaintances often get to see a more playful side of Sylphia. There is still a part of her that is childlike - after all, she is only 15. Being rather sheltered, she takes joy in seeing the new and unexpected, and enjoys the prospect of traveling to different locales.

    For Sylphia, true friends are a precious commodity, and she will be loyal to the bone for someone who she believes in. Still, she has few friends, her closest being her older brother Lornen. She has always yearned for a sister, another girl with whom she could confide in and joke around with. The only women in her life have been rather weak and spineless, and Sylphia is secretly terrified that she will end up the same way - but also, she feels rather helpless to prevent it.

site ©starryiskies, images ©kinuko y. craft