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means ongoing!

Summer of Era II of the Celestine Mandate
Brightening 2 of Ioannes - Visiting Lake Melody
Brightening 25 of Ioannes
Entering Port Alexandrya
At the Aedile's Office
Brightening 28 of Ioannes - Reporting for Duty at the Aedile's Office
Brightening 5 of Imperos - ~The Art of Misconduct~

~SOS Assemble: Gone with Goosey Mo~

Spring of Era II of the Celestine Mandate
Brightening 25 of Melora
Entering High Peak
Checking into Wolsely's Kegs and Beds
Someone Blinded me with Snow (plot)

Autumn of Era I of the Celestine Mandate
The Captive! - Sylphia is captured in Zinn'Sunn Academy!

Summer of Era I of the Celestine Mandate
Brightening 3 of Ioannes - At Kumi's House
Brightening 5 of Ioannes - At Mirthe's Threads and Needles

 Spring of Era I of the Celestine Mandate
Brightening 1 of Optia - At the Bath House with Naryanyard

Winter of Era III of the Celestine Mandate
Brightening 47 of Cryxatum
Arrival in Zinn'Sunn
Voice Registration
Song Registration
Academy Housing
Room 17 - Settling In
Brightening 48 of Cryxatum
Beginning Song Lesson - ongoing
Beginning Voice Lesson - ongoing
Brightening 49 of Cryxatum
Buying Instruments at Music Shoppe
Meeting Ferndis
At the Song and Sage with Ferndis
Brightening 50 of Cryxatum - Depositing Money at Bank
Brightening 1 of Aperitus - Buying Dagger and Sash at Swordsinger's
Brightening 8 of Aperitus
Withdrawing money from Bank
Arrival at Riparia
Having a bite at Green Goblin Inn
Brightening 10 of Aperitus - Buying a horse at Pepper's Stables
Brightening 49 of Aperitus
Arrival at Mystique
Meeting Naryanyard at Town Square Park

site ©starryiskies, images ©kinuko y. craft