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Ambon, October 13, 2000


  1. Today's "Suara Maluku" and "Siwalima" provide more detailed information about the attack on Galala and Halong we mentioned yesterday.

    After their failure to occupy Suli, muslim and jihad forces shifted their attention to some villages east of the town of Ambon: Galala, Hative Kecil (Gatik) and Halong Atas ("Atas" = Upper). The attacked was launched at about 6.30 a.m., starting from Tantui and Galunggung (Ambon town), after encircling their target and coming down from the hills to the north. Shooting (with the usual organic weapons and bombs with military trademark) started as they were at a distance of about 700 m., aimed at the civilians' houses. Of course many residents fled to safer places, among which the naval base of Halong.

    The attackers, however, were halted both by christian civlilians with home-made rifles and by security forces, which consisted of the military Yonif (battalion infantery) 141, assisted by marinir and brimob police forces. Marinirs also stood by with four tanks, anticipating any spreading of the conflict to other sites. At about 0.30 p.m. the situation was under control.

    Sad result of this confrontation: 3 military and two christian civilians wounded. The Al-Fatah hospital responsible confirmed that on muslim side five were killed and 14 wounded. More than a dozen houses were burned down.

    Another result was the emotional impact on a muslim multitude in the centre of the town of Ambon, moving in the direction of the Governor Office building. In order to disperse the crowd, security forces fired frequently as a warning, causing people to flee in panic. Concentration of masses near Pohon Pule (brige leading to the western outskirts of the town) at about noon, too, could be dissolved. One christian schoolboy was badly injured by a sniper's bullet.

    During these clashes the security forces - in the eyes of the christians - showed themselves as being strictly neutral and stable in fullfilling their duty.
  2. Yesterday a delegation of the European Union arrived in Ambon: five Ambassadors and their aides, namely from Germany, France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Portugal; also the first secretary of the Swedish Embassy and the Consul of the European Commission. They arrived by special airplane. Safe passage across the bay from Laha airport to Jos Sudarso Harbour was guaranteed by security forces. Then immediately there was a meeting with the Governor Dr. Ir. M.Saleh Latuconsina, together with Vice Governor Dra. Paula B.Renyaan and several other officials. Points of discussion were: latest development of the conflict, the presence of the laskar jihad, the sweeping on weaponry, the role of the national government and the handling of the refugees (IDP-s). After the meeting, the governor declared to the press that he had mainly stressed the handling of the thousands of IDP-s. According to the governor, there are still laskar jihad in Ambon, but only 996; more than 300, of their own free will, have already returned to where they had come from.

    After the meeting, the visitors went by boat from Jos Soedarso Harbour to the naval base of Halong to have a look at the large refugees camp at that site, which consists of both christian and muslim refugees. Today's programme includes meetings with the military and police leaders, the Diocese of Amboina, the MUI (muslim leaders) and the Protestan Church leaders. This afternoon the deputation will leave for Ternate (North Moluccas).

Crisis Centre Diocese of Amboina

C. J.Böhm MSc


Received via e-mail from : Crisis Centre Diocese of Amboina 

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