I am the proud owner of a beautiful Siberian Husky *crowd cheers*. Her name is Niko, or I call her Niki when she is being good. :) She, like all Siberian Huskies are a handful to take care of. It should be said that this is not a breed for all people, but if you can meet their demands, then they are one of the most amazing dogs to have in your life. The following information comes from my own experience as an owner and also from knowledge I have read from various books.

Click here to see more pictures of Niko (and my cats!)

Given that they are sled dogs, they need A LOT of exercise and time to run. This can be challenging, though, because they should be on their leash at ALL times. Huskies have so much energy and will chase after anything that catches their attention. They are not aware of dangerous situations such as cars or holes in the ground. The ideal situation would be to have a fenced in yard with a dog door so they are free to go in and out as they please. Make sure the fence is about 6 feet in the ground and try to have wire under it so they can not do one of their most favorite activities... digging. They are so much fun to watch run, though! You can tell they are just about at their happiest doing this.

Huskies do not like to be left alone, so it is important that you have a schedule which allows you to be home with your dog for the majority of the day, or at least be able to bring him/her with wherever you go. On the average, they should not be left alone for more than 4 hours. I learned the hard way as to what happens when they get bored. Let's just say my kitchen was a sight to see! On one hand, they are independent dogs, but they also love and need to be included in family activities. This is a vital part of a Husky's happiness.

Huskies are wonderfully affectionate, playful, and friendly dogs. They love children and other dogs. Niko gets along quite well with our three cats, too. She is always in a good mood (cannot say the same for myself!), always wanting to play with me or lick me from head to toe!

This can be a bear with Huskies! All the training I have done with Niko I have done on my own, but an obedience class is recommended. I read somewhere, though, that this is not always successful: the dog listens really well during class, but does not when he/she is brought home. An owner needs to understand that the Husky is a highly intelligent breed and can differentiate between the two situations. I found that you need to be creative when training in order to keep their attention. And never spend too long of time training in one shot. With Niko, I spent 5-10 minutes max at a time and then played with her for awhile.

If you are interested in learning more about Siberian Huskies (and other breeds of dogs as well), please visit my site devoted to Huskies, Amy's Page of Pets.

Please email me with questions or comments at: amywood@yahoo.com

Graphics designed and created by Amy. Please do not take, use, or alter any of them without written permission.

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