Katies Around The Web Web Ring

A Ring for Katies Everywhere

Hello and welcome to the sign-up page for the Katies Around the Web Web Ring. Right now you are probably asking "Why?" Well, "Why not?" My mom and I kept running across all kinds of great web pages by Katies that we thought that "Katies" deserved our own Web Ring.

Joining the ring is easy. The main requirement is that your name is Katie (or some variation -Katy, Cady, KT, Kate, Kaitlyn(my real name), Caitlin, Kathy, - you get the idea) and that your name appears on your web page so that we know that you really are a Katie.

Also, your site needs to meet the following requirements:

  1. You must be female.
  2. Meet the Geocities Enchanted Forest Guidelines (No profanity, nudity, or pornography on your page)
  3. You must put the personalyzed HTML code that will appear on your sign up confirmation on your page within two weeks. The code will also be e-mailed to you.

    Submit site to Katies Around The Web Ring
    Owner's Name:
    Site Title:
    Site URL:

    Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
    Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
    Description: Enter a short description of your site.

    Once you have filled out the form please copy and paste the HTML fragment that will appear on your confirmation onto your page.

    Ring members may edit their site information here:

    Site ID No:

This Katies Around The Web site is owned by
Katies Around the Web.

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If you haveany questions about the ring or you know a Katie that might be interested in joining, let us know by e-mail.

Links to other sites on the Web

My Home Page - The Life And Times Of Katie

© 1997 wolffamily@msn.com

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