B/A| B/Aus | Vamp Buffy/Aus | Sarah/David | Other


If you take up one of the following challenges, could you please send me the story so that I can post it as a challenge response?


Challenge 1



Challenge 2


Challenge 1


~ There's a baby or toddler that Angelus just dotes on constantly (preferably a girl)

~ The couple are enjoying domestic bliss.  Well, not exactly.  Angelus is questioning his sanity as he reflects on how he became the Slayer's boytoy and the father of her child.  He's not a majorly evil guy, but he still has his violent tendencies, but not toward the child.  He and Buffy are into the whole vampire-type sex and stuff...hehehe

~ SMUT!!!!!  (does that even need to be mentioned?????)


~ Willow/Chipless Spike

~ Buffy and Angelus in leather.

~ Angelus dresses the kid in leather to match them, Buffy laughs.

~ If you use the one above, how about freaking out the Scooby Gang by making them believe that Angelus turned his family...?


Challenge 2

Back in BS4, when Buffy and (UGH!) Riley were going at it lie there was no tomorrow coz of those ghosts...well, what if it were Angel that she had been there with...?


Everything was triggered by another couple having a lot of sex, not B/R.

Angel comes to Sunnydale to help Buffy with something. They go to find Riley at the frat house and are caught up in the passionate spell, their passion for each other triggering the spell to focus more on them than the couple who originally triggered the ghosts...

After the first round of lovemaking, Angelus is back, but since they can't stop, he's caught up in it as well and can't do anything except fuck the living daylights out of Buffy.

At the end, after the rescue, Angelus is passed out in the bed and Buffy is stunned, but immediately calls for the Restoration Spell to be done. When Angel is back, he leers at Buffy comically and asks "Can we do it again?" Buffy then grins and kisses him, Riley looking on stunned, even though he was on of the ones helping to get her and Angelus out from under the spell, so he knew what was going on...hehehe

Vamp Buffy/Angelus

Challenge 1

Darla is the Slayer. Buffy is a vampire and is Angelus' sire, set a few years after Angel is turned, so it's in the late 1700s and there's no curse.


Angelus in the dress Buffy wore in Season 1 episode 'Halloween'...

Buffy and Angelus decided to bathe in blueberries, rendering Buffy's hair blue for a time.

The couple must encounter Anyanka.


Challenge 2


Challenge 1


Challenge 2


Challenge 1


Challenge 2





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