and favor with God, that with open arms of mercy and pardon, the Savior waits to receive each penitent who will in unfeigned contrition and supplication for mercy open the door of his heart and accept Him as Lord and King."  2

It is Christ's life-giving cross--

     It's symbolism reveals the new birth of a child of God.  The supernatural resurrection of Jesus Christ following His death on the cross has made possible a new life and the transformation which follows new birth.

     "We believe that the change which takes place in the heart and life at conversion is a very real one; that the sinner is then born again in such a glorious and transforming manner that old things are passed away and all things are become new; insomuch that the things once abhorred are now held most sacred and dear; and that now having had imputed to him the righteousness of the Redeemer and having received of the Spirit of Christ, new desires, new aspirations, new interests, and a new perspective of life, time and eternity, fill the bloodwashed heart so that his desire is to now openly confess and serve the Master; seeking ever those things which are above." 3

     It is true that some persons who bear the cross do not understand the meaning of it nor do they realize its importance.  But the Foursquare Church does accept the cross with a Scriptural knowledge of its employment in God's plan of redemption.

     The cross today stands as a symbol of the denomination's first cardinal doctrine: 


   2, 3 -  Foursquare Declaration of Faith 

ECHO PARK EVANGELISTIC ASSN | Angelus  Temple | Jesus Christ The Savior 
| Jesus Christ the Savior (cont'd) | Broken Dreams Aimee Semple McPherson | Stained Glass Windows | Angelus Temple Windows 
Introduction | "Unto You is Born a Savior" | Baptism of Jesus 

Echo Park Evangelistic Association, Inc
5256 Los Bonitos Way
Los Angeles, CA 90027