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"Yeah the world would swing if I were king."

May 20[?] 2002.

Good LORD. There is an amazing LACK of updates here, isn't there? Sorry children. Even though no one comes here. All I did was add a thing to my about me page, but I'll do more soon! I'm that mountain peak up high! I'm a shoulder when you cry! Hey you made it, I'm the world's greateeeeest!!! WOO!! I an in such a RANDOM song phase!

April 5th? 6th? I dunno its after midnight.

Added a new thing to the game page and u better go and check it out because it took me YEARS.

Later, March 29

Added a new poem, yay! Its honking long. But good. I stole it from Kylas info. Rock on.

March 29

Added like, fifteen quotes or so to the Friends Quote page, but they're all from the same two days. I'll keep working for a while now, today. But thsi is getting out of hand. I'm fricking updating/changing like every ten minutes.

March 27

A bee bit my bottom and now my bottom's big!!!

I didn't do much but everything that was messed up before is all centered and annoyngly perfect. I fixed the pictures page. Imagine my surprise when I found [ a few weeks ago] that pretty much none of them worked...slick. ANYWAY, heres a comfy reminder for Emily. YOU BETTE WRITE A STORY, lol...ohmyGOD good times.

Happy Birthday Louise! and Katie! Rock on!

LATER on March 24.

This is disgusting, kids. I added two more poems to my poetry page, which brings the grand total to 20 seperate updates in less than 24 hours. It sounds unimpressive, but it is. Or let me think so.

March 24, 2002

I'm out of control. Updated the poetry page with seven new poems and more to come. Sigh. I miss Kara and Julie and Louise and Anna! Kyla we gotsta go downtown! Bye kids.

March something rather I really don't know

WOW so I haven't updated for a million and a half years. It appears that I have added ELEVEN [count them!] NEW SONGS to the lyrics page so check it out, because it took me a disturbingly long time.

February 21, 2002

Hey kids! So, I put the new background on a few pages and the new color text, but no one ever comes here so I'm going to SHUT UP! WHY IS'NT GREEN DAY HERE? Blessid Union is 'planning' their spring/summer tour, Julie...

February 18, 2002 What do you think of the backgound and text color? Gimme a shout!

But it wasn't like that, it was just that you were doing a bad thing. It wasn't you who was bad. You're beautiful. You're wonderful and everything that you do is wonderful because it's you doing it. You're that strong. You can do it bad and know it bad and you can do it good and know it good but it doesn't DO anything to you. You're still you. Listen. You can BE anything that you want to be. Be careful. It's a spell. It's magic. Listen to the words. You can be anything you can do anything you can be anything you can do anything... You are everything, everyone, anyone, whatever you want, i'm showing you. So long as you stay yourself inside, you can eat dirt and it'll taste good because it's you eating it. You listen to them, teachers, parents, politicians. They're always saying, if you steal you're a thief, if you sleep around you're a slut, if you take drugs you're a junkie. They want to get inside your head and control you with fear. You're beautiful. You're wonderful and everything that you do is wonderful because it is YOU DOING IT.

MIDI playing the "Back in the USSR" by the ever-awesome Beatles.

I never knew you can think you understand what it means to live in this world, what it smells like and feels like on your skin and in your heart, and then, in less time than it takes to get your hair done, you can look up at a whole different sky and realize that all this time you didn't even know who you were, much less stop to wonder.


E-mail Me!! Blessidfan05@yahoo.com. If you have a poem or song lyrics or whatever go ahead and email me with it.

How come Andrew gets to get up? If he gets up, we'll all get up! IT'LL BE ANARCHY!

"I try to let the river flow in and outta me." -Guster-