You are now on the Isle of Volsung, the wild lands. Here reside the less restricted peoples of Hyperborea, the barbarian tribes, know as the Volsaarns. The land here is raggard and the people rough, the island is ruled by the Duke of the Volsaarns who in turn pays homage to Bifrost and Hyperborea. The towering Castle of Vanaheim, the capitol of Volsung, stands tall above the island as a testament to our strength and courage. Volsaarns do not follow the High Laws of Hyperborea but do maintain a strict following close in hand to that of Bifrost. Volsaarn paladins are the most honorable in the world and follow the strictest codes of duty. Our goal is not to encourage war, but promote peace. We have numerous airships departing to all parts of our small isle. Those that say "Now Boarding" are immediately available by clicking on their link. Those that are "Delayed" either pages under construction or have some problem at this time, but can perhaps serve as an incentive to return later. As the east and south of Hyperborea is a freezing, almost barren wilderness, you may NOT get off of the airship except at designated points.

Visit the Hyperborean Forums

Return to Hyperborea

Go to the capitol, Vanaheim

Go to the Paladins Armory

Go to Vanaheim Airport

Please visit the Flag Page

Go to the port at Tyrgaard

Tour the Barbarian Wilderness