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08-Nov-2005: View of the place before beginning (has to be the same when I finishes or my wife kill me!). 08-Nov-2005: The plans arrived after one week. While I read the Cabinho's book "Do Rio a Polinesia", which I received like gift when buys the project. 08-Nov-2005: While the plans were coming, I had already order wood for the hull construction.The project suggested to use cedar, but locally it is difficult (and expensive) to find. I used "kiri", very light and easy to work. Cedar density (dry): 480 kg/m3; Kiri density (dry): 240 kg/m3.
08-Nov-2005: The project also specified to use MDF to make the sections but opt to replace it by plywood, for later use it again in the interior construction of the ship, being a great economy.

09-Nov-2005: Deploying the plans for the first time and trying to "interpret them." At the beginning it scares a little. I never seen before a sailboat plan!.


09-Nov-2005: After joining the half sections plans that they will give the form of the hull, it is necessary to transfer them to plywood. Can be made puncturing through the contour. I chose to make this giant carbonic paper for not damaging the plans.
11-Nov-2005: Cutting one of the bigger sections.I put two plywood sheets pressing it with c-clamps, transferring half of the section in one of them and cutting both at the same time. 14-Nov-2005: Assembling a section of the big ones with pieces of plywood. Each section has marked it the center line and water line for later alignment and leveling. 14-Nov-2005: Finished the production of all sections.
15-Nov-2005: Making the steam prow in "anchico" timber. I had to carve it with the chisel to obtain the designed form. Later, the project was modified to make it more easy. 15-Nov-2005: Little by little it's getting form. 15-Nov-2005: Steam finished. It has a very sharp border. This stage leaves a "unforgettable" memory, when falling above my foot.
15-Nov-2005: It's a knife!! 17-Nov-2005: Beginning to mount the structure for assembling of sections that will give form to the hull. 20-Nov-2005: Dismounting the structure that gave shade to the cars and taking out plants (Carina hated me a little!).
25-Nov-2005: The 12 sections and steam were mounted, aligned and leveled. The stage more complicated until the moment. 25-Nov-2005: Some kiri strips to maintain provisorily the distance between sections. 25-Nov-2005: Another view attempting imagines how will be the real profile.
25-Nov-2005: Another one. 25-Nov-2005: From above. Later, I was put some wood between every section to maintain the separation exactly.  
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