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Casting 1969 (2.69 MB)

Interview 1 (2.04 MB-Quictime)

Interview 2 (Français) (922 KB)

Casting Star Wars (2.15 MB-Quictime)

Star Wars making of (2.22 MB - Quictime)

A new Hope (1 MB - Quictime)

Han Solo & Greedo (1.12 MB - Quictime)

Jabba & Han (1.12 MB - Quictime)

Millenium Falcon (200 KB)

Alderaan (1.33 MB)

Leia's rescue (1.23 MB - Quictime)

Death Star (1.16 MB - Quictime)

Battle of Yavin 4 (1.48 MB - Quictime)

Battle of Yavin 4 II (1.19 MB - Quictime)

Battle of Hoth (800 KB)

Halcon troubles (915 KB - Quictime - Recomendado)

Star Destroyers (840 KB)

Asteroides field (679 KB)

Millennium Falcon (1.07 MB)

Han & Leia (945 KB - Quictime)

Endor (741 KB - Quictime)

Battle of Endor (778 KB)


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