All I Need to Know About Life I Learned From Watching Voyager...

This is a series of essays based on my views of how Voyager fits into my life, and can fit into the lives of fellow Voyager watchers. In my time with Voyager I have noticed a number of points from the twenty-fourth century that can be applied right here, in the twentieth century. Not great, huge revelations, like the meaning of life (we know that already-- to watch Trek...), but rather, small simple universal truths. These truths cover everything from religious symbols to coffee, family values to the ever present issue of men and cars, acceptance, diplomacy, and home. So I ask you to sit back, relax, and "Embrace the Adventure."

These views are entirely the author's own and no copyright infringement is intended. If you wish to distribute any of these pieces, please keep them intact (with the author's name attached).