The Hungry Ghosts

Episode: Hell Money

As the unwilling doners in a Chinese organ-harvesting lottery scam are anesthetized and on the brink of death, they are confronted by the spirits of the Hungry Ghosts, the specters of miserable and abandoned souls. The lottery is shut down, but the ringleaders are protected by the community's silence.

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John Mostow

Episode: Grotesque

This serial killer claims he was possesed by an evil entity which forced him to kill his victims with a carpet knife and make sculptures out of them. He claims that since the killings continue even after he is put in jail, the entity has found another to do its bidding.

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Napolean Manley

Episode: The List

Before "Neech" Manley is executed by electrocution, he vows that he will return from the grave to take vengeance on five men who have mistreated him. Using the body of a prison guard, Neech fulfills his promise. After killing his final victim, the prison warden, Neech's spirit disappears.

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Chinga Doll

Episode: Chinga

Polly Turner is given this doll by her father after he fishes it out of the sea. It forces people it doesn't like to kill themselves. It's victims include Polly's father, policemen, and any who try to stop it. After being nuked in a microwave by Scully, it is later fished from the sea once again.

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Dr. Franklin

Episode: Sanguinarium

This cosmetic surgeon uses sorcery and human sacrifice to transform his looks beyond the limits of surgery. Upon completing his spell, Dr. Franklin's face is transformed and he continues his practice under his new
name, Dr. Hartford.

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