Here is the list of Glamour bombs

Note: as we are trying to gain understanding and awareness we are aiming not to break the law whenever we are aware of it. Please do check your local laws to make sure if you choose one of the below to see that they are not illegal.

My own Glamour Bombs:

1.*Make Flyers with messages/art and hang them up or place them into newspaperbins.

2.*Buy little balls or egg containers and fill them with glitter, messages papers ect and put them into places in plain view.

3.*write messages on and beglittler 1$bills. This one is easy and the messages will be passed on over and over again:). (Note: it may be better to use play money and leave it at places, for even everyone does label real money I am not certaing of it's legality in some areas.)

4.*call a radio station and make an announcement with a song request, use your imagination.

5.*Bullitenboard announcement (I am thinking3 by 5 cards)

6.*Make an interesting and creative chainletter (Real-life or online) to pass on to people, yet make it so that good stuff happens to all people who get it not just those that pass it on..

7.*You know How some stores have places where one can try out the markers that they sell, do so but with your messages...

Tiernan (from the TirNanOc Mailing list)

1.* Color my hair a shade hair doesn't grow and Glamour it to look normal. And then watch and see who peers at me as if trying to figure out just exactly WHAT isn't *quite* as it should be.

2.* Simply being Out in my Real Life as an elf. Somehow, people very rarely question this. Some folks think I'm slightly loopy and a little insane but otherwise reasonably pleasant to have around, some people think I just have a really great sense of humor, some think I just *might* be right. But very very few folks find me threatening because that's the Glamour I use, and so surprisingly few folks give me that hard a time about being an elf.

Fer (from the TirNanOc Mailing list)

1.*An E-mail snowball fight--It's a sort of chain letter where you get a letter what has a little ASCII snowball going "splat" and saying basically "TAG--YOU'RE IT--YOU HAVE BEEN HIT BY AN EMAIL SNOWBALL". You are also supposed to "throw" the snowball on to someone else but NOT the one who sent it to you.

2.* Go about, find all the fantasy novels, and put little bits of paper in 'em with on one side "THE MAGICK IS REAL" and the other side statin' "You have been the target of a GlamourBomb. Pass it along to someone who needs a little magick in their life." I'm thinkin' like the size of fortune cookies or a bit bigger. (This one was added to Willows idea)

3.* If you can get away with it, maybe even put them in BOOKSTORE books, as a nice surprise for folks :)

4.*It's a tradition, at least around here in Louisville, to try to make Derby hats. Well, the idea does come to mind of glamour-themed Derby hats...hats with lotsa itty-bitties on 'em, with sequins saying "YOUR WINGS ARE REAL" (thank you Thistle for coming up with Quote of the Year, btw ;)...hats with a full-scale model of the Twin Spires, only the audience and jockeys are Otherkin and the horses are all pegasi (not unicorns--unicorns aren't really horses, first off, and secondly the pegasus really IS the symbol of the Derby Festival--I am NOT making this up, either-Specifically for Louisville Kentucky derby)

5.*Make a full scale fursuit of my trueself, and spend all of Derby Week running about in that and a pair of Bermuda shorts and a Derby Festival T-shirt. In the middle of downtown Louisville and right around Churchill Downs.

6.*Get a mess of Derby pins or Derby T-shirts. (Derby pins would be especially appropriate--they're cheap, and they have little pegasi on them since that's the Official Symbol of the Derby festival) Get stenciled on back "Believe" and "The gates are opening" and "Pegasi exist--do you?" and whatnot...yes, this may run one slightly afoul of the Derby Festival folks, but I don't give a damn.

7.* Hand out little glamour bombs in downtown to folks...and dress up like yer trueforms... ;)

Eric (from TirNanOc mailing list)

1.* Exude Glamour from your pores. Shoot it at people passing by.

2.* Dance in public fountains

3.* Public Nudity

4.* Have exquisite sex and dedicate it as a ritual towards increasing the amount of glamour in the World

5.* Music. Dance. Preferebly in a public place.

6.* Walk around speaking gibberish talk with friends

7.* A can of spray paint. An offensive billboard. (as most are) or a mall (Quotes from Blake on the inside of elevators)

8.* Stickers stickers

9.* Randumb found shit sculptures in visible places

10.* Never underestimate the power of a good costume.

11.* Megaphone. Car (better yet bicycle, skateboard, or feet). Yell things:

12.* Shakespeare is always fun to quote

13.* Bacchus Parties

14.* Attack Banality: Beltane Carols at the Army Recruitment Center, the aforementioned randumb poetry in mallz, etc etc....think of your own.

15*. Never underestimate the power of shared ritual

16.* Never underestimate the power of solitary ritual

17.* To repeat: Orgasm Orgasm Orgasm

18.* Be Exceedingly Silly and Nonsequitur

19.* Publick Magick

20.* Go to the park. Play with little kids. They are the true see-ers (seers) of that which is (un)Real

Sidhelady (From SidheList mailing list)

1.*How about tying goodwishes on a tree in a public park with ribbons/.scrolls?

2.*Or wearing faery dust on our faces and bodies on Beltaine Eve to work or school or wherever we go?

3.* Or everyone wears a green scarf or ribbon as a sign of recognition of" the wearing of the green " of the Faekin?

Illuviel from TirNanOc mailing list...

1.*Grub in the dirt, yes.

2.* Write up little cards saying "Your Wings are Real... ()Enchanted Be!" with the Julia Roberts quote on the front and a l yes.

3.* Planning a Maypole dance for Beltane, yes.

4.* Organizing The Goode Ship Roanoake (however you spell it) as an SCA household, yes.

5.*On the front of the glamour-inna-small package, which might be a little more suited for Easter than Beltaine: make Confetti Eggs.

Willow from TirNanOc Mailinglist...

1.* Dress the part. Use your imagination on this one...

2.* Enter a county fair with something fae - Other ideas include entering elderberry wine, dandelion wine, art pieces like sculpture, photography, paintings, drawings, needlearts, "costume," etc .Infiltrate! 8-)

3.* Scatter flower petals in/on places like subway stations, sidewalks,etc. Cattail or cottonwood fluff is good too (just like in the movies!),especially when there's no plants like this for miles. 8-)

4.*Donate books to the library and write something like "donated by an Elf" (or whatever).

5.*Leave slips of paper or paper bookmarks inside library books with messages on them.

6.*Kites. Interesting ones. Flown often.

Eyovah's Stealthy Glamour Bombing-via Private E-mail

1.*Put cards in books in library (not the one you just checked out).

2.*Charging objects

3.*Phone call to public location to be annouced over speaker...think Simpsons :) (is there a magic, first name ido there an "Ido Magic")

4.*Snowy areas,...write it in the snow.

5.*Cold windows

6.*Dirty cars...draw on outside......

7.*Some risk getting caught post card dropped in mailbox....put postage on it too.

8.*Hang 2 fliers, one real, then glamour one underneath. Fliers when you are sure no one can see.

9.*Write a note in a public phonebook

10.*Suggestion boxes :)

11.*Tips on other peoples tables

12.*Call in radio shows...note they probably have caller id,..use payphone

13.*If you are rich...hire a skywriter

14.*Etch it into a stick and float it downstream

15.*Post it notes

16.*Draw in sand on empty beach, or in dirt on empty trail

K from TirNanOc Mailinglist

1.* Supermarkets, tables on restaurants, public computer terminals, library shelves.

2.* We'll also be conducting independent campaigns to wander the city with Sharpie pens in our pockets, using EVERY PUBLIC RESTROOM WE CAN, and writing the messages on the walls.

Arhuaine from Otherkin Gazette Mailing list

1.*There is a cafe in Manchester (UK) where it has become a tradition for guests to write something on a paper napkin. Not just "great food, love the pancakes" but poems and stuff like that, even pictures.

2.*My favourite (and purely magical) way is to collect some ordinary pebbles from a beach or some other natural place. Charge each one up with whatever positive magic or message you want to pass on, and then leave the pebbles lying around. In the street, on a seat in a bus, whatever.

My own Messages:

1.*Faries and Elves are among us.(Or add own species).

2.*This $ bill was held by a real (fill in the blank with your race).

3.*No magic-Know Veil; Know magic-no Veil

4.*Live magically you will not regret it.

5.*There is intelligent life on other planets/dimensions and they/we are among us/you glamourbombing:)

6.*The Elvin/kin community has left it's mark here (Insert short message here).

7.*Dont fear the future, it is what you make it.

8.*The strongest magic is belief

9. *The secret to magic is belief, it is easear than you think...

10.*A short poem

11.*Decorate the paper/scroll well, by drawing a little bomb or granade on it, decorate with glitter and label" Insta-Glamour bomb" With your message below it:).

12.*You have just been a victem of a glamourbomb! (Insert your message here).

Thistle from TirNanOc mailinglist


K from TirNanOc Mailing List

1.*Pleasant Dreaming...

2.*Faeries are Everywhere. Magick is Afoot.


4.*Faeries exist... do you?

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