Dragon Art Gallery

This is where I am going to display some of my dragon artwork--drawings and pastels, images I have created using Paintbrush, and other random media. As I have the opportunity to scan in images, more and more will be added to the page. Note that some of the images may be a little wider than your screen, you may have to move them around a bit to see the whole thing. The images take a while to load. Please be patient!

If you like these drawings and would like one,


ask me first!! and credit my page properly.

This is a little colored pencil and watercolor pencil drawing I made, as an idea for customizing the standard Geocities logo at the bottom of my page. Unfortunately, it does not scan in small enough to use for that purpose, and the resolution is poor.
Fortunately, the current appealing image that proclaims Geocities at the bottom of all my pages--courtesy of Skysong and an unnamed artist--is a nice substitute.
I used Paint Shop Pro to fill in the background of the scanned-in image in black (the white of the original drawing paper was a trifle stark.) As you may have guessed, Calligraphy is another one of my interests. :)

This is a little scribble in watercolor pencil. It depicts Draco lepidopterans, a tiny butterfly-winged dragon.

I made this image to add to the bottom of an e-mail once. My brother liked it so much he printed it out and scanned it into his computer. He recently sent it to me so I could use it on my webpage.

This picture is entitled "The Lady of the Lake". I drew this one in colored pencil for a young friend who drew a couple of dragons for me. The fellow in the dun-colored robes in the righthand corner is Merlin. The caption (in case it does not come through clearly) is "Only he who can draw the sword from the stone may rule my Isle!"

This is an image I made a long time ago in PaintBrush. It looked a little shabby, so I spruced it up in Paint Shop Pro 3 and converted it to a file that I could upload onto my page.

This is a portait of me, rendered in watercolor pencil by a good friend. :)

This is a doorplate I made in colored pencil, for my portrait-drawing friend. :)

These fellows are of the species Draco ululus, "Singing Dragons". They are always born in pairs, and one sings harmony while the other sings melody. There has never been a known D. ululus with other than perfect pitch.

I've been promising origami for quite awhile, so here is an example. I made these two lindorms that live on top of my TV with plain red Origami paper and crinkle paper with a tradition Japanese pattern (which does not show up in the photo.)

Here is the personification of the Month of February, based on a synthesis of American Indian lore. The Otter, the aspen (of which the staff is made), and silver (which is the undertone color for the image) are all associated with this month. [And you thought I could only draw dragons!]

If you wish to discuss any of these drawings or request permission to use them, I can be reached at dracnova@hotmail.com.

Go to Gallery II for more of my artwork--including yin and yang dragons, semi-religious art, and a pair of origami Japanese dolls.
Go to Gallery III if for some reason you want to skip Gallery II and go straight to assorted drawings on elemental themes :)
Go to Guest Exhibits for the latest exhibit of dragon art by other artists.
Go to Guest Exhibits B for past exhibits of dragon art by other artists, including Real Musgrave.

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Want to see the real thing? Go to The Photo Album!

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