Charles Haree

Rank: Lieutenent (j.g.)

Duties: First Contact

Home: Caldos III

Race: Terran Human

Education: Vulcan Science Academy/Starfleet Medical

Personal Data:

Parents: Nancy Dwen and Adam Anthony

Born: 0200, August 3, 2341 Colony Medical Center

Entered the Academy in 2360; graduated in 2365. Observed the Mintakans for seven months and was replaced by Palmer. Worked with ambassadorial team on Benzar until 2368. Exposed the Ishtar Cover-up in October, 2369. Stationed at Deep Space Nine until posted on the Hellraiser.

Psychologists Notes:

Charlie is definatly qualified for the first contact. He keeps his priorities in order, but puts the safety of the mission first. His psychological examination came out clean (scenario: he is captured by a group he is observing and they are suspicious that he is an alien.) He has the potential to be one of the great ambassadors of the Federation.

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