Sylvia Tamyn Betancourt

Rank: Lieutenant Commander

Duties: SecurityHome: Marsupalami I

Race: Terran

Education: Starfleet Academy

Personal Data:

Parents: Victoria Elisabeth and George Fredrick

Born: 0200, August 22, 2344, Dixon Hospital, Marsupalami I

Entered the Academy in 2362. Participated in teh Platypus Incident in 2364, held back for two years because of it. Graduated in 2368 with no more incidents. Posted on the *Roosa* from 2368 to 2371. Posted on the *Hellraiser* in 2371.

Psychologists Notes:

Tamyn is a very troubled person. Her parents left her when she was seven. She lived on the streets for four years before being arersted by teh local police. In jail she was molested by other inmates. She was relaesed in 2356 and adopted by Midge Carter. She trys her best, but has trouble succeeding because she doesn’t always believe in herself.

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