Thejolias Mulahnulahnk

Rank: Lieutenant

Duties: Engineering Staff

Home: Mizar II

Race: Mizarn

Education: Starfleet Academy

Personal Data:

Parents: Syokl and Kova Tholi

Born: 0634, May 16, 2334, Mizar Medical Center, Mizar II

Left Mizar II with his mother when he was 2 years old. Spent his life on board a science ship until 2354 when the ship docked at Earth and he entered Starfleet Academy. Graduated in 2359 and was posted at Starbase 121. Listed as a *Tsiolkovsky* crew member, but was never actually on the vessel. Stayed on Starbase 121 until posted on the *Hellraiser* in 2371.

Psychologists Notes:

He's a peace-loving as his father and that has gotten him into trouble on more than one occasion. When a ship goes on battle readiness he only does his job and nothing more. His biggest fear is to pick up a weapon in rage and use it. Will not fight; would rather die than raise a hand against a fellow being. (Oh, and for the record: moo-la-noo-la-huh-nuck.)

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