Wesley Richard Crusher

Rank: Ensign (Field Commission)

Duties: Conn

Home: San Francisco, Earth

Race: Terran

Education: Starfleet Academy

Personal Data:

Parents: Beverly Cheryl and Jack Richard Crusher

Born: 0800, July 29, 2349, San Francisco Medical Center, Earth

Served as an Ensign on the *Enterprise-D* before attending Starfleet Academy. Part of the Nova Squadron cover-up in 2368. Droped out of the Academy and went to stay with the Traveler. Returned after the *Enterprise-D* was destroyed at Veridian III.

Psychologists Notes:

Strives to do his best and sometimes that is his drawback. He scored very well on his psych test. His greatest fear is that he will make a wrong decision and the wrong person will die. It does not weigh on him like it used to. Has a strong psychic connection with his sister.

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