Tomes of Miscellany

Welcome to the land of danger and intrigue, where individuals are legion and non-conformity is the norm. Join me as I explore the many facets of humanity and meet the scum of the earth and its angels incarnate.

If you just enjoy reading and want to see what kind of books are available, then this is the place for you. Every half-month (or as often as I can manage) you'll find a new book review posted here.

It might be about scientific abuses. It may be a story of Asian Americans. It may be a book about "true" ghost stories. And you can be sure that this category--whenever I update it--will never want for fodder, because there are millions of non-genre fiction novels out there waiting to be read!

So sit back and enjoy the book reviews, and let me know when you read one!

F E A T U R I N G !

07/01/2002: Excavation

Last update: Thunderhead

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