Faerytales Webring

Faerytales Webring

Welcome to the homepage of the Faerytales Webring. If you have a homepage dealing with the fae and stories and poetry about them we'd love for you to join us. Just follow these instructions:

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Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

After you submit your site, you must copy this html code on your page. The code should either be on your main page or on a page for your webrings that is easy to find. If I have to dig around to find the code I will not add you. Be sure to upload these graphic to your site:

Click here to go the Faerytales webring page This Faerytales Webring
site is owned by
The Fae Gatekeeper of Dreams.

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If you do a view source on this page make sure the id=1 is your site id, NOT 1. If you are confused you can also get the code from here.

After all that is done please email me so I can add you in the ring. The queue only holds you for two weeks so be sure to email me back in enough time!

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