

I've been playing with this story for a while now. If you read it you'll see it's written very differently from my usual style, or Jordan's for that matter. It's more like some modern short stories. It isn't finished yet - part 2 is posted but there'll be at least one more.
If you happen to recognise the name of one character, very well spotted indeed. If not, don't worry, you'll find out eventually.



I suppose I started the whole thing. Not that I expected it. But then, maybe it would have happened anyway. After all it was the Feast of Lights and there was starlight and music and wine in plenty, and that kind of thing tends to lead to romance…

So there I am in my new dress and slippers, and the handsomest young Warder-trainee winks at me from across the square, and I smile back and start to make my way through the crowd, when someone taps me on the shoulder.

I turn around. Oh hello Vanel.

Hello Kitiana Sedai. You look lovely tonight.

Why thank you.

Vanel’s a distant cousin of mine. Considering he’s nearly seventy he doesn’t look half bad. Of course I’m nearly seventy too, but that hardly counts… Anyway, I want to get back to that Warder-trainee, so I look around for someone to introduce him to.

And then I spot Ali not far away, watching the dancers from the shadows. It’s about time she danced with someone herself.

Have you met my sister Aliane?

They nod to each other and I take the opportunity to slip away. Later in the night, though, I stop dancing to catch my breath and glance over to see if I can see either of them.

They’re still there. Still together, standing on the edge of the square and talking softly. And while it might just be the flickering light, it looks to me a lot like he’s holding her hand.

Well, well.


Kitiana and I have been friends since we were novices but sometimes I can’t imagine why. She’s so eager to get back to the dancing that she didn’t even introduce this man she’s left me with. I turn to him.

Kitiana didn’t tell me your name?

He’s tall, with silvery-white hair. He chuckles.

Yes, she’s the perfect stereotype of a Green, isn’t she? Nothing to care about but dancing and flirting. I’m Vanel Kiorda.

I’m Aliane Senican.

We talk for a long while. I’m surprised that he’s related to Kitiana. She’d have been totally lost by our conversation – but we talk about philosophy and literary forms and perceptions of beauty well into the night. I don’t remember enjoying myself so much in years.

And when he reaches for my hand, I don’t move away.


Hello Ali, I say when I bump into her the next day. Did you enjoy the festival?

I did, she says with perfect composure, and you?

Immensely. But what did you think of Vanel?

He was very nice. She says that calmly enough, then adds very offhandedly, We’re meeting after the debate this evening.

I perk up. Do I smell romance?

Don’t be silly. We had an interesting conversation.

Which will get even more interesting this evening, hmm?

Do you Greens only have one thing on your minds? she demands. Vanel and I intend to talk. What on earth gives you the idea there’s any more to it than that?

Nothing whatsoever, Ali honey, except that you’re blushing.


Kitiana has a dirty mind. But as usual, she’s right.

Vanel and I walk down on the beach. He was married once before, he tells me, but it wasn’t a success. They never had any children.

I don’t know much about romance, I admit. He laughs. 

We’ll work it out together.

The starlight dances on the waves. The stars seem so bright tonight.


I told you so.

Read part II of Star

Raina's Hold / Raina's Library / Raina's Library - Stories