<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/arkansasdreamer/windbeneathmywings.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Hi there! My name is Prissy and I have found LOVVVVVVVE  on the Internet! If human flockmates can do it so can us birds! hehehe We have one of those long distance relationships! He lives in Michigan and I am a Southern Gal in Arkansas!

My new cyber boyfriend is Sarge. He is a Blue and Gold Macaw also! He is sooo handsome! He just ruffles my feathers! He has some really cool parents too!  His Mommy did some really cool sites for him and I have the links listed below also. He has lots of animal friends that live with him!

I decided to do this site just to let him know how special he is to me!
Sarges and his Mommys site!
You hold the key to my heart Sarge!
My photos of my sweetie!
Check out this site his Mommy and him did for me!
(the beginning of our love story)
Our Mommies