Campaign 2009
Local bylaws
Campaign 2008
Local bylaws
Campaign 2007
Local bylaws
Campaign 2006
Local bylaws

Mass Actions in 2007

Transgenders show up during Human Rights Day Yuli gives a flaming speech in front of palace
"Stop the violence against transgender persons!"

Government policies that increasingly marginalize vulnerable groups have now even taken the life of a transgender person. Elly Susanna drowned in the Ciliwung Canal in the aftermath of a raid by public order units at Taman Lawang, Jakarta. According to eyewitnesses she was deliberately thrown in the canal by public order officers because they knew she could not swim. Although Elly was a transvestite, she did not come to Taman Lawang as a sex worker, but to invite her friends for the Transgender Day.

In the face of such brutalities from the government apparatus transgender communities rose up in big numbers to protest against state violence and demand protection of their rights, they staged a series of demonstrations: on 20 November (Transgender Day), 6 December and 10 December (Human Rights Day).

The actions culminated on Human Rights Day where hundreds of human rights activists and victims did a march rally to the presidential palace. The increasing presence of openly LGBT persons have led to the acceptance by the other groups and the inclusion of LGBT issues in their demands.

Demanding justice for Elly in front of the municipal hall. Marching on Transgender Day

Amsterdam has long been known as the gay capital of Europe. Each year they celebrate their Gay Pride Week by staging a boat parade through the canals of Amsterdam. A unique spectacle that draws hundreds of thousands spectators annually. More than 70 boats compete for the best decorated boat prize.

A golden opportunity for Arus Pelangi came when COC-Netherlands invited us to join one of their boats containing delegates from other countries, mostly form the former Soviet-countries. It was a huge experience to partake in such a happy and joyful celebration. To watch the huge, enthousiastic crowd watching and applauding us is more than encouraging in itself.

We can only wish that one day such a celebration can happen in Indonesia as well.

our flag flying in Amsterdam
our boat
colorful participants
Marching toward the presidential palace
The celebration of the Day of Labor has become bigger each year, despite of the attempts of reactionary and fundamentalist forces to sabotage the marches. The need is still pressing due to the rampant violations of workers' rights; from insufficient minimum wages to the threat of outsourcing practices. Also, the on-going discrimination against transgendered persons in the formal sector is something that hardly anybody is willing to pay attention to. That's why this year transgendered people again joined the ranks of the workers to demand equal treatment.
"Does your office already have a transgender manager? ..I would like to apply now...
Transgender figure heads giving their speeches.
With the celebration of the Women's Day Arus Pelangi and its members took part in the demonstration against women's exploitation in the domestic sphere and in the labor sector as well. Discrimination and domestic violence against women were denounced, just like the discrimination and violence suffered by LGBT people.
At the gates of the Indonesian Parliament
"Stop violence, exploitation and discrimination against women!"
Mulim women and transgender activists hand in hand

Campaign 2009
Local bylaws
Campaign 2008
Local bylaws
Campaign 2007
Campaign 2006