International Edufair 2005


International Education Exhibition for
Undergraduate & Postgraduate Studies
Regency Ballroom, Garden Palace Hotel
Surabaya - Indonesia
February 4 -6, 2005, 1 pm - 8 pm


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a b o u t   s u r a b a y a   i n t e r n a t i o n a l   e d u f a i r

SIE 2005 is an international exhibition specially designed for local/foreign education institutions offering undergraduate and postgraduate programs. Presenting a group of upstanding education institutions from various countries, this fair will actually assist potential visitors in making decisions to obtain the perfect education effectively yet in the most efficient way.

v i s i t o r   &   v e n u e

SIE 2005  is targeted to attract 3,000 - 5,000 potential visitors
 under direct coordination of the Directorate of Education and Culture of the Province of East Java, covering two different classifications, for undergraduate program and postgraduate program.
For undergraduate program, the visitor will cover High school students and leavers, School counselors or teachers seeking for further information on new programs offered, Parents who are set to launch their children future career paths, Local representative of foreign education institution or agency, General public.
For postgraduate program, the visitor will cover Undergraduate students and leavers, Executives from local and foreign companies in Indonesia, Government official, Researchers, Lecturers, Local representative of foreign education institution or agency, General public.
SIE 2005 will be held at Regency Ballroom, Garden Palace Hotel Surabaya. Visitors from every corner of the city will gain easy access to the venue for it is located right at the heart of Surabaya City. Closely surrounded by business centre, government institution, and schools, the fair will surely deliver traffic of potential visitors to exhibitor during show days.