Summary: Season 6

Summary: Season 6 vignette. Another day with Spike and Buffy


Rating: R


Disclaimer: Joss owns’em both and for that we can only be forever grateful.





“Asshole!” she spits. “God, you’re pathetic.”


And she sees the sun set in his eyes.


Sloe eyes, doe eyes, stupid eyes. She hates those eyes. Knows she could drown in them at high tide, that they could make her fall…..


But she also knows that she flicks the light switch, that with a word she can turn him from playful and mischievous to angry and resentful, ready to hurt her, ready to kill. She’s fairly sure, fairly confident, of his self-restraint, but let’s face it, she’s prepared to take the chance.


She bats away the hand that still hovers near her arm, ready for her to change her mind, change her heart. Change her. “You’re disgusting,” she snorts.


 He withdraws the offer and she can see the clench of the forming fist, the stress grow in his face.


Some day he may beat her to death when she does this to him. He just might.


Some day she might just let him.


But for now, this is a game and they dance, as they always did. It’s just a whole new dance now, new steps, a whole new world. Like a chess player she picks her moves. She predicts with the instincts of a professional what will be enough to send him cascading into the sort of rage that will leave her well and truly fucked, but not well and truly dead.


She’s never played chess. She probably never will.


But she knows how to play him.


He grabs her arm, grips it hard, fingers biting into the flesh. His momentum carries her backwards, crushing her into the wall, jolting her. The jolt travels from her spine to her stomach, pain to lust. Her eyes flash; daring him, mocking.


That usually works too.


She craves the violence now, the pain. The pinch of metal, the tear of flesh, the painful rip of clothes torn from her body with savage lust. She’s as bad as he is now, she constantly berates herself. Worse, because she’s the one making the choices, degrading herself like this. She finds it easy to make the excuses, It blocks the pain, the other pain, the pain she can’t think about. If she allows herself, she knows that it has also created something, something she might never have felt had she not gone through hell and….


Not thinking about that. Any of it. Doing is better than thinking.


So she pulls her punch line, pulls no punches.


“Evil, disgusting thing.” She admires the distain in her own voice; yes, that was nicely done.


But she prefers his reaction, as one hand grips her neck and the other her belt. She writhes against him, making everything a little more heated, a little more frantic. Yes, please, ready now.


All they’ve ever done is dance.

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