Key Physical Concepts of the Astrological Ages...



Definition: [Astrological Ages] Underlying the Astrological Age concept there are a number of key ideas about how the Sun, Moon and Earth interact.

Key Physical Ideas:

the 'bulging' earth


The 'Bulging' Earth The bulge at the Equator is too small to be seen on a diagram like this one. The Earth's diameter measured north-south is 12 713 km (7 900 miles), but east-west, i.e. at the equator is 12 756 km (7926 miles).

Key Concepts...

2:   Key Concepts... 
2a:  Precession of the Earth 
2b:   Nutation of the Earth 
2c:  Movement of the Vernal Equinox Point 
2d:  Precession of the Equinoxes
2e:  The Changing Pole Star  

© Dr Shepherd Simpson, Astrological Historian


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