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Donna - 03/21/99 02:54:16
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My nominee for President: J.C. Watts, Rep. OK
Another name to keep in mind: Watts, Rep. OK
Thank you for this information. Has this been linked to trigeminal face pain? I've been looking for a cure and the only treatment is seizure medication. Donna (

Drew Simpson - 03/04/99 22:10:28
Link(s) to add to these pages: http://
My nominee for President: BENNY HINN
Another name to keep in mind: BENNY HINNS WIFE
Since I am a diabetic and have to watch my intake of sugar my doctor (14 years ago)said to drink all the diet coke I wanted.This information is vital to me.My girlfriend sometimes has what appears to be seizures and all she drinks is large amounts of diet coke.My 12 year old daughter was toLd she has attention deficit disorder.WHAT COULD THESE PEOPLE BE THINKNG?IS MONEY WORTH KILLING AND MAKING PEOPLE SICK?I appreciate those of you who take it upon themselves to warn us of the dangers of aspartame.I will sure tell everyone I know about it. Thank You Again Drew Simpson

Linda Armes - 03/02/99 10:42:14
Link(s) to add to these pages: http://
My nominee for President: Al Gore
Another name to keep in mind: Jesse Jackson
In March of 97 I was diagnosed with diabetes. In January of 98 I had lost a portion of sight from my right eye. Tested by MRI and blood tests. Nothing but a positive ANA, which was explained as being a little high due the diabetes, not lupus.

In October of 98 lost most of the eyesight in left eye. Now we are going to do something for this lady. Went to Opthamologist who ordered blood work to find I had a SED rate of 55. Called me at home to get to hospital immediately to start solumedrol the apy. Eight days of this with my sugar levels sky high, being leveled off with insulin. Now I was not and still am not insulin dependent.

I had an internist, neurologist, opthamologist, and a rheumatologist. Process of elimination was used to diagnose. More MRI's, 24 hour urine, blood tests up the gazoo. I even had a temporal artery biopsy. Dobbler on the neck to see if there were any blo kages as well as an MRI, as well as a lumbar puncture to rule out MS or any type of spinal infection.

Blood tests are still running with a positive ANA. They sent me home with 60mil a day of prednisone, that was a real joy. Finally tapered me off by the end of November. Prognosis auto immune disorder, most probably lupus or diabetes caused the blindness

Oh and during my mission with cortizone I acquired Glaucoma, which probably caused the blindness to begin with. Sitting here unable to work due to the exhaustion, sensitivity to the sun and flourescent light, and taking Imuran to kill whatever is going on in my body. I have also acquired Osteoarhritis in the left knee which is being treated with Daypro. I am legally blind in the left eye and half sight in right. There's the lateral and bilateral, visual field testing that say I can't work, plus the e haustion that goes with it, and the dust bunnies growing on my ceilings, for there is no energy to remove them

Of course this has affected the family tremendously, Mom who took care of anybody and everything now is a burden. Everyone's life has changed and not for the better. Bankruptcy was filed until long term disabiltiy kicked in from work. Selling baseball ards to put a meal on the table. And this is America? I worked 12 long years to get to a place in my life where life was good, but not good enough to see us through, it cleaned us out. Do you know how it is to be a parent and tell your children there's not going to be much for Christmas?

Then I get this article on Aspartame which totally blows me away. What the hell is coming of our country, we are not even protecting ourselves. Money talks no matter where you go. What is it going to take to get these things changed, word of mouth. Ho many of me are out there, am I suffering from this poison. Where can we find the exact results and do we have a leg to stand on? I am ready to sue if I have enough evidence to back me up. Where do I go, who do I talk to? I have been in total hell fo the last five months wondering if this is the quality of life I was going to have was it worth it. I feel totally let down and to have my government do this to me, what is next?

Thank you
Linda Armes
P.S. If you need and advocate I'm here

Vivian Steele - 02/18/99 06:22:57
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My nominee for President: no one at this time
Another name to keep in mind: Senator Jay Rockafeller of West Virgina
Thank you so very much for this information my husband is a diabetic. He has a lot of the simptoms were going to stop drinking diet drinks . and we will pass on the word to our friends and family.

Thanks for your most helpful information
Vivian Steele

- 02/13/99 17:51:43
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I apprectiate your information on Aspartame. I have been drinking Diet Coke because I did not know the Aspartame could be potentially dangerous to me or my family. I have shared the articles with co workers etc. because I think it is astounding that the FDA would allow the product to be sold since has been linked to a variety of health problems. Recently a coworker of mine had to seek disability and resign from her job even though she is not at a retirement age and really has not been diagnosed with a articular disease BUT after reading this article I realized she possesses the majority of these symptoms and doctors have treated her for fibromyalgia (SP?)/ thought she had multiple scerosis and even the lupus diagnosis at one point - She shakes constant y like tremors - like she has real bad nerves and has gone into 2 or 3 episodes of suicidal depressions but as far as insurance they only hopitalize her a few days and send her home ! Shes been on and still on a series of medications as doctors are makin educated guesses to whats wrong with her. I read it to my other cowrokers who said it sounded just like her and said she drinks Diet Coke. She kept the 2L bottle in her office (hot) and poured it over ice just prior to drinking it. I have passed the ar icle on to her. Diet Coke has lost me and my family as a purchaser b/c I'd rather have the extra pounds than risk the side effects of being poisoned. THANKS

- 02/12/99 18:01:02
Link(s) to add to these pages: http://
I am glad that someone informed me about aspartame.I am greatful for your webpage it taught mea lot i will imform all of my frinds and family. THANK YOU!!

Ellen Moore - 02/05/99 09:25:33
Link(s) to add to these pages: http://
Thank you for your work in bringing this to the world's attention. I have avoided aspartame since 1985, when I noticed I had headaches after drinking diet Sprite on my morning work break. Everyday, at 10:15 am, the headache started. Then one day, the soda machine was out of diet, and I drank a regular Sprite. No headache. I performed my own (non-scientific) test, and realized that I only got the headaches when I drank the diet soda, which contained aspartame.

For many years I have tried to warn people off of aspartame, to little avail. Now, perhaps in handing out the URL for this article, I will be more successful. Thank you again!

Sherry Sutton - 02/03/99 07:15:43
Link(s) to add to these pages: http://
This information was given to me by my stepson. I have been drinking Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi for 11 years. Over that period of time, I have been treated for depression, hospitalized for suicidal tendancies, suffered from severe fatigue and almost total l ck of energy, gained 40 pounds, etc. I was recently put on medication for depression by my doctor. He said it is physical, caused by an imbalance in my brain. My symptoms that led to this diagnosis were extreme fatigue, confusion, inability to concentrate or make decisions, severe headaches, and weight gain, just to name the main ones. I am 32 years old. I suffer from high blood pressure as well. I underwent laser surgery last year for cervical cancer and endromitriosis. I have had 2 exploratory surgeries or sharp abdominal pains, plus 2 colon biopsies to remove polyps. I have had joint pains, muscle aches, and the shooting pains with no apparent cause. I have suffered from so many of the symptoms you mentioned for 10 years or more. Now, I think I know why the Diet colas are GONE!! Thanks for making this known to me and many others. My mother has also sworn off of the diet colas. I have started checking labels. What scares me is that the labels may not mention the use of this poison even if it is there. Af er only a few days of being off the junk, I am already feeling better. I haven't had a headache since the day after my last diet Coke. I am starting to have more energy. Whether it's coincidence or fact, I'm not sure, but I won't chance going back to the diet sodas to find out.

Thanks! You may have saved my life.

- 01/30/99 22:33:12
Link(s) to add to these pages: http://
Wow!!!! As a long term Diet Coke drinker, I am stunned by what I've been hearing and reading about aspartame. I would like for the FDA to release a list on demand of all products containg this terrible toxic substance. I am shocked that (even with the help of persons with a vested interest) this product has been allowed on the open market for so long. I am even more concerned that it is being silently added to our food unannounced or listed improperly in ingredients. I checked the ingredients of the Diet Coke was drinking this morning, it listed aspartame. I have had many vague medical problems for years. Now I can't help but wonder whether they are symptoms of poisoning. I am being treated for stomach problems, depression, memory loss, and many other listed s de effects. As an LPN, I have also noticed a marked increase in the cases of fibromialgia, seizures, stomach problems, migraine type headaches, and more in my area. I see so many people come into our office with these ailments, should I try to warn them?? I would appreciate all the information I can get on this threat. How do I contact my congressmen, senators, etc... to demand that this have a further investigation??? Would my contacting the FDA directly help at all??
Brenda Penepent (former victim)
send all e-mail to
Thank you for the eye opener.

- 01/10/99 18:36:59
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Thank you for bringing this information to our attention. We are sending this information on to almost everyone in our e-mail address books and ask them to send them to others. It makes me very angry to know how the very people who are supposed to protect us from such poisons are doing their best to encourage their use.

Keep up the good work. We're going to do our part in spreading this to everyone we can reach.

- 01/09/99 19:23:52
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Walter Cronkite is truly a great man, however he is just a little bit too old to run for the presidency.Al Gore might do, but first he would need some kick-a-poo joy juice to wake him up.....H. Paley

ray - 01/09/99 00:42:30
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Greed is the problem.

Greed Greed Greed

David Patterson - 01/05/99 06:01:43
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I will not be drinking any diet drinks from now till forever. Even though I would only have 600ml a day (I think that's a 20 oz bottle) and have had no ill feelings, who knows what the future might have hurled up in my face.

Thankyou for posting this on the web. But I know this needs more exposure.

David Patterson

Robert Oliver - 12/16/98 03:54:57
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Helena M. - 12/07/98 02:22:50
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My nominee for President: Harrison Ford
I really enjoyed Mr. Crokite's view of the Nuremburg Trials. My mother was brought up during German occupied Netherlands. I love to hear her stories of how they printed the underground news paper in her home, and hid Jews, knowing the high cost to their ives.

I was only trying to find information for a school speech, but found more than I hoped for in this terrible topic.

Thank you for always being there to tell us what we need to know.

- 11/16/98 19:20:49
My nominee for President: Sorry
Another name to keep in mind: Idono
Hi,I'm visitor number eight . . . [That must be the 'Ask ANYONE to be President...Who would you choose?' page]. . . I hope that there'll be more in the future, because your ideas are pretty good.i kind of had the same tho g hts too. But you're very good at this. Keep up the good work!

Steve Hayes - 10/25/98 02:59:09
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My nominee for President: Thabo Mbeki

Sphyx - 07/31/98 03:56:16
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My nominee for President: Al Gore
Another name to keep in mind: Piers Anthony: A gentle man with a strange sense of humor.
Wonderful insights! Keep it up:) Sphyx

Lachesis Dragonheart - 06/09/98 22:29:24
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My nominee for President: Ralph Nader
Idealogically I like it, but considering the massive amount of divergent cultural biases that would have to be thrown out the window for it to work... it's just not very practical.

Draft Cronkite - 06/05/98 20:29:32
My Draft Walter Cronkite index at Tripod
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John Champagne - 02/12/98 22:22:34
Link(s) to add to these pages: Vote on 'Gaia Brain' at Idea Exchange

Robert Wertzler - 02/10/98 15:04:05

On initial scan this looks good. I'll come back and read closely when I have more time.

John Champagne - 11/17/97 01:10:58
My URL:Gaia Brain and Cronkite Draft at UTSA
Suggest link(s) to add to these pages: New Scientist Magazine discusses ethics of using animals
Who would you choose to be President? (someone in the public eye, who many could agree on): Walter Cronkite
Another nominee for President, (someone who more people ought to know about): Franklin Thomas
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John Champagne - 11/17/97 02:19:53
Link(s) to add to these pages: Cronkite says none of the people asking him to be President ever asked him what his views are.
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