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Culture, Art & Stories of the Chapleau Cree

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The Seaguls and the Whiskey-Jacks...
She started her story like this; "Long ago, the animals were more like people than they are today. They could talk with us and we could talk with them" And with that type of an introduction, she told me her little story.

What is a River?...
For the people of the Chapleau Cree First Nation, the channels of the Chapleau Rivers are a multi-dimensional construct that defines origins, families, and meaning.

The Music Of Spring...
On a sunny Saturday morning in May of 1959, my father stepped out onto the porch of our home and called to my brother and I who were playing in the back yard. "Com’on, we’re gonna take paddle down the river to see something!" I was ten, and my brother, Darryl, eight. 

Breaking Down Camp...
Sometimes it is the simplest of things, subtle, almost unrecognizable rituals that move us; cause us the greatest reflection, allowing a reintegration of personal-life activities and career experiences, extending awareness and adding value to our perspectives. 

Symbolic Gifts - The meaning of words
The gifts of a guide are an axe, a knife, a pair of boots, a compass, a gun, ideas, and the spiritual or mystical gifts of life itself.As with most rituals, the meaning of gift-giving has digressed through time. We confuse personal significance with monetary value. 


The Remains of a Fire
 Some of them we knew only a brief time, many we sat with at night, around a campfire, outside a tent, either hunting, white fishing, or guiding. We lived together for weeks at a time.

Louisa - (Remembering Louisa Saylors - Ian McCulloch)

The Lake


CCFN Homecoming Song - 2000 Reunion (Jamie Taylor)

 Oh Great Spirit (Jamie Taylor)

We Are Cree (Jamie Taylor)

People Stories

Decorated by Destiny - Charles Byce
 Considering his father's overseas exploits, one would think fate had chosen Charles Henry Byce to be a military hero. His mother, Louisa Saylors, a Cree from Moose Factory, Ontario, had married Henry Byce, a non-Native from Westmeath. When Charles was born in 1917 in Chapleau, the First World War was still raging, and his father was fighting in Europe. Two decades later, 23-year-old Charles Byce began a remarkable journey, practically tracing his father's path. When it was over, Byce had become the only man in his regiment to earn both the DCM and the MM.

Wade Cachagee - Windspeaker Profile
Wade Cachagee, the youngest recipient of 1998's National Aboriginal Awards, is quite matter-of-fact about the impressive entrepreneurial record he accumulated at the age of 25.

Bill and Robidoo - By Terry Sullivan
Bill was raised in the Canadian wilderness. He started his career as a railroad man, but felt the pull of his Cree Indian roots, so he packed in his career on the rails and devoted his time to guiding. Along with his bear hunts, he had fall moose hunting, wolf hunting and fishing on a lake where he had built several cabins.

Other Stories

Virtual Circle - A Website with Aboriginal Elders Teachings