An INDEX of my writing currently available for perusal...

This may sound obvious, but I suggest that for the longer works you save the file and read it at your leasure... "off-line"

Sarka's Song
Chapter One of my epic about two brothers caught up in the Spanish Civil War.

 Poems by Pessoa
My translations of some poems by Portuguese genius "Fernando Pessoa"

 A Cat Can Look at a Queen
My draft for a novel for 11-12 year olds about Cats, Ghosts and Wicked Uncles...

 Planxty Norton
A complete filmscript for a road movie about a young Irishman trying to come to terms with the tragedies in his past by escaping on his motorbike to Wales.

 Tuka Laughs
A Complete Radio Play based on an African fable.  A Deer becomes human and learns the wicked ways of MEN!!!

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