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Panoramic images of central Cape York Peninsula

These photos were taken by Geoff Stewart during a wetseason camping trip (February 1996) by helicopter to Oriners station, Nakakoora, Horseshoe lagoon and Crosby junction with Lofty Yam, George Lawrence and Philip Hamilton. The trip was to collect flora vocabulary and samples.

Select the thumb-nails below to view full-page versions of the images.

Lancewood stand at the western end of the aerodrome plain near Oriners Station, February 1996 (click on thumbnail to view 42 KB JPG image, 720 X 288 pixels)

Black tea tree swamp, February 1996 (click on thumbnail to view 30 KB JPG image, 720 X 288 pixels)

Edge of flat looking up onto ridge, February 1996 (click on thumbnail to view 43 KB JPG image, 720 X 288 pixels)

Melaleuca nervosa flat with termite mound, February 1996 (click on thumbnail to view 38 KB JPG image, 720 X 288 pixels)

Stringybark, Eucalyptus tetrodonta, woodland, February 1996 (click on thumbnail to view 53 KB JPG image, 720 X 288 pixels)

Aerial view of Melaleuca nervosa flats, February 1996 (click on thumbnail to view 21 KB JPG image, 720 X 288 pixels)

Wild flowers (Gomphrena sp.) on inundated flat, first flat north of Oriners Station, February 1996 (click on thumbnail to view 35 KB JPG image, 720 X 288 pixels)

Lofty Yam across flat north of Oriners homestead, February 1996 (click on thumbnail to view 40 KB JPG image, 720 X 288 pixels)

Gallery rainforest along 8 mile creek, February 1996 (click on thumbnail to view 24 KB JPG image, 720 X 288 pixels)

Crosby Junction, the confluence of the Alice and Crosby Rivers and Moon Creek, February 1996 (click on thumbnail to view 30 KB JPG image, 720 X 288 pixels)

Broad-leaved beefwood, Grevillea striata, on grassy plain, an alternative road into Oriners Station, February 1996 (click on thumbnail to view 21 KB JPG image, 720 X 288 pixels)

Stand of grasstrees, February 1996 (click on thumbnail to view 35 KB JPG image, 720 X 288 pixels)

Paperbark tea-tree, Melaleuca minutifolia, with lancewood ridge behind, February 1996 (click on thumbnail to view 27 KB JPG image, 720 X 288 pixels)

Speargrass and pandanus understory in stringybark woodland, February 1996 (click on thumbnail to view 44 KB JPG image, 720 X 288 pixels)

Open flats with magnetic termite mounds between Horseshoe Lagoon and 8 mile creek, February 1996 (click on thumbnail to view 30 KB JPG image, 720 X 288 pixels)

Aerial view of Oriners lagoon looking west, February 1996 (click on thumbnail to view 40 KB JPG image, 720 X 288 pixels)

Open woodland, February 1996 (click on thumbnail to view 46 KB JPG image, 720 X 288 pixels)

Aerial view of Nakakoora lagoon, February 1996 (click on thumbnail to view 33 KB JPG image, 720 X 288 pixels)

Shallow broad leafed lancewood swale out from Nakakoora, February 1996 (click on thumbnail to view 46 KB JPG image, 720 X 288 pixels)

e-mail: Philip Hamilton.