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History Study Guides Index

I've had the pleasure of teaching several history courses at the community college and university levels. I've developed my material to draw upon a number of disciplines, so that the courses incorporate literature, art, and other aspects of life in order to provide a more complete picture of the past. It is quite a daunting task.

As a result, I'm working on study guides for students of history. I wanted to provide "netizens" with access to resources which they would not normally find in their schools or local libraries. By blending their study of past with the realities of the present and the future, i.e. the global nature of the Internet, studentswould see how the past has an impact upon the present, and how a search for resource materials does not necessarily end in the dusty old stacks of the library.

You might want to browse through Historians and the Web: A Beginner's Guide from the Center for History and New Media.

Available Study Guides

United States History
This will cover a year-long university-level survey course in U.S. History.

Latin American History
This will cover a year-long university-level survey course in Latin American History.

History of the Americas
This will cover a year-long community college-level course in the History of the Americas.

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